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The Welfare State's Legacy

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  • The Welfare State's Legacy

    A self-evident truth?

    The No. 1 problem among blacks is the effects stemming from a very weak family structure. Children from fatherless homes are likelier to drop out of high school, die by suicide, have behavioral disorders, join gangs, commit crimes and end up in prison. They are also likelier to live in poverty-stricken households. But is the weak black family a legacy of slavery?

    According to the 1938 Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, that year 11 percent of black children were born to unwed mothers. Today about 75 percent of black children are born to unwed mothers. Is that supposed to be a delayed response to the legacy of slavery? The bottom line is that the black family was stronger the first 100 years after slavery than during what will be the second 100 years.

    At one time, almost all black families were poor, regardless of whether one or both parents were present. Today roughly 30 percent of blacks are poor. However, two-parent black families are rarely poor. Only 8 percent of black married-couple families live in poverty. Among black families in which both the husband and wife work full time, the poverty rate is under 5 percent. Poverty in black families headed by single women is 37 percent. The undeniable truth is that neither slavery nor Jim Crow nor the harshest racism has decimated the black family the way the welfare state has.
    Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...

  • #2
    It only makes sense. A single mother trying to raise children is going to have a hard time working and taking care of the kids at the same time. The same problem is there with white single mother homes. The breakdown of the nuclear family is a large factor in poverty.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sparko View Post
      It only makes sense. A single mother trying to raise children is going to have a hard time working and taking care of the kids at the same time. The same problem is there with white single mother homes. The breakdown of the nuclear family is a large factor in poverty.
      I think Williams is correct, you can't blame all of this, or even a large part of this, on the legacy of slavery.
      Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...


      • #4
        Originally posted by seer View Post
        I think Williams is correct, you can't blame all of this, or even a large part of this, on the legacy of slavery.
        I would like to see a study of inner city black families vs rural black families.


        • #5
          Williams is a conservative, so he's not really black, and can therefore be safely ignored. Amirite?
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          • #6
            Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
            Williams is a conservative, so he's not really black, and can therefore be safely ignored. Amirite?
            Urite. He is obviously an Uncle Tom and a race traitor.


            • #7
              Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
              Williams is a conservative, so he's not really black, and can therefore be safely ignored. Amirite?
              My bad!
              Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...



              • #8
                Another interesting point:

                The black family structure is not the only retrogression suffered by blacks in the age of racial enlightenment. ?
                Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...



                • #9
                  educational and professional excellencePolicies that promote safety and security in the communityeconomic development through free enterprisesupernatural grace.

                  Black conservatives may find common ground with black nationalists through their common belief in black empowerment and the theory that black people have been duped by the welfare state.]"

                  Supernatural grace is surely working its magic. Are these goals achievable?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by firstfloor View Post
                    educational and professional excellencePolicies that promote safety and security in the communityeconomic development through free enterprisesupernatural grace.

                    Black conservatives may find common ground with black nationalists through their common belief in black empowerment and the theory that black people have been duped by the welfare state.]"

                    Supernatural grace is surely working its magic. Are these goals achievable?
                    Only a racist would assert otherwise. You're not a racist so maybe just once you should stop and think about what you are really saying. If these goals aren't achievable then you are left with an inherent inferiority that has naught to do with society.

                    Stop and think - are black people PEOPLE or not? If so, then they can do anything any other person can that's within their personal ability - to say otherwise is to call them inferior.

                    They AREN'T inferior.
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