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�Women�s March� Ousts Pro-Life Feminists from Protest

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  • Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
    The Southern Poverty Law Center? The same Southern Poverty Law Center which was unceremoniously dropped by the FBI's Hate Crime Web page as a source?

    The same Southern Poverty Law Center which branded the Family Research Council, a mainstream conservative think tank founded by James Dobson a "hate group" on par with Aryan Nations, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Stormfront and the Westboro Baptist Church?

    In the latter case SPLC's designation led directly to an armed gunman, Floyd Corkins II, entering FRC's Washington D.C. headquarters in 2012 and opening fire. Fortunately nobody was killed although a security guard was wounded before wrestling Corkins to the ground and disarming him.

    Corkins, a gay activist who volunteered at a LGBT community center, told the FBI agent interviewing him that he picked the FRC to attack because they were on the SPLC's list of anti-gay "hate groups."

    The SPLC strenuously defended their actions because, get this, the FRC takes a political stance that they disagree with. That was enough to earn them being listed as a hate group. Meanwhile groups like Black Lives Matter chant things like "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!" and "What do we want? Dead cops!" at their protests but the SPLC sees nothing wrong with that and even say they are merely "activists for racial justice." This is one of the reasons why the SPLC has lost credibility including among many liberals.

    Their assessment of anything isn't worth spit. You just cannot stop yourself from using less than reputable sources.

    Obama's Communications Director Anita Dunn proclaimed that Mao Zedong was one of her favorite political philosophers and the official White House Christmas tree sported an ornament featuring the Chinese dictator responsible for butchering somewhere between 50 and 78 million people during his Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution[1].

    I guess this means it's reasonable to assume that Obama is of the same mind.

    Then there was Van Jones, Obama's "Green Jobs Czar," who is a 9/11 Truther and a communist.

    I guess this means it's reasonable to assume that Obama is of the same mind.

    1. Mao blithely remarked that "one-tenth of the peasants" (or about 50,000,000) "would have to be destroyed" to facilitate his agrarian reforms.

    At Breitbart Steve Bannon reinforced his role as a champion of the alt-right, and now he has brought his anti-globalism, as supported by white supremacists, into the White House as Trump's close adviser. And we are witnessing on a daily basis the chaos this is causing.


    • The alt right is not a derogatory term made up by liberals but it's also not a different word for "white supremacist". The leftist is in a state of constant protection so because they constantly push for shifting definitions of identities (originally just used to rename themselves when whatever people called them turned too noxious) they assume everybody else does too and that white supremacists must have "rebranded" when in reality white supremacists and alt-right are different things and don't even get along very well. Alt-right isn't even a coherent ideology, it's just a collection of various individuals who hate liberals and who are tired of useless mainstream conservatives. Someone claiming to be alt-right does not automatically mean anything more than that.
      "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

      There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


      • Originally posted by Bill the Cat View Post
        Alex Altman of BuzzFeed??? Even better!!! Keep 'em coming Tazz!

        No. Opinions and value judgments.

        No. Mike Pence is not ignorant. He has a law degree from Indiana. That he disagrees with your materialistic worldview does not make him ignorant.

        Oh, like it was for a few hundred years on this continent? There's nothing wrong with teaching Intelligent design as a competing view - except for God-hating anti-religion fanatics like you.

        Again, this is what we believe. That your godless bigotry doesn't believe it doesn't make it laugh-worthy.
        I see nothing wrong with that speech.

        Your disdain for a parent's concern for the well being of their child is disgusting. Not everyone welcomes or embraces their attractions or thoughts. Not everyone wants to just give up and go with their hormones. Some people see God's way as the better way. It's not bigotry, you rectal clown. It's parental concern and devotion to a much higher standard of living. And until you have been faced with what those parents have, your ignorant blather will be dismissed as such. And for you to call a parent's love and concern child-abuse is equally as revolting.
        Oh, there were some, I'm sure. Like my daughter. Ones who went to counter-protest the stupidity of the sheep with vagina caps and vulgar slogans on their organizer-provided signs. And yes, they were handing out signs to people who hadn't brought their own.
        Sure it is. The wisdom and maturity are the only thing stemming the tide of youthful ignorance. As it always has.
        Yeah! We can see that in action.

        So, Trump is a murderer like Ted Bundy and Charles Manson? Boy, you are a hate filled moron!
        No it isn't. It's only ONE circumstance upon which a fetus can be harmed or killed. There are scores of ways to intend harm to a fetus that are illegal and only ONE that is legal.
        Oh yes it is!! Trump was a playboy. Everyone knew that.
        Women would let him treat them like pieces of meat. And he took advantage of them letting him do so.
        Blaming the victim...just like Trump does. Seriously!

        But disgusting reprobates like Madonna (walking around naked with a film crew around town), Ashley Judd (financially benefitting from the selling of tickets to movies that show her nude), and Gloria Steinem (The genocidal paragon that she is) all used disgusting language IN PUBLIC where small children were.
        Having the President of the USA, and all that he stands for, acting as such a shocking role model re women is far worse than the eccentric antics of mindless celebrities in my opinion.

        That's so far worse than a secret recording of two grown men talking in private. Not that I'm surprised that is too complicated for your pinhead pea brain.


        • Originally posted by Tassman View Post

          At Breitbart Steve Bannon reinforced his role as a champion of the alt-right, and now he has brought his anti-globalism, as supported by white supremacists, into the White House as Trump's close adviser. And we are witnessing on a daily basis the chaos this is causing.


          • uh Sparko Ben Shapiro is not a flaming liberal hate monger in fact he has the same message about the lefts attack on free speech and other freedoms that Milo has. here he is being interrupted by the true flaming liberal leftists during one of his speeches. and the reaction by those who wanted to hear his talk.

            He didn't like hillary or trump and I admire his convection and sticking to it during the election. But now that Trump is in he has been very balanced in his reporting in his podcast I've been listening to while he does not give Trump a pass on things trump does wrong he is very quick to praise Trump when he does good. here's one of his more recent reports.

            Last edited by RumTumTugger; 02-03-2017, 09:16 AM.


            • Originally posted by RumTumTugger View Post
              uh sparko Ben Shapiro is not a flaming liberal hate monger infact he has the same message about the lefts attack on free speech and other freedoms that Milo has. here he is being interrupted by the true flaming liberal leftists during one of his speeches.

              wow, then he REALLY has a chip on his shoulder about Bannon. Did you read that trash article Tassman linked to? It read like a rabid liberal.

              Here is how he introduced it:
              "1. Steve Bannon Turned Breitbart Into Trump Pravda For His Own Personal Gain. Back in March, I quit Breitbart News when it became clear to me that they had decided that loyalty to Donald Trump outweighed loyalty to their own employees, helping Trump smear one of their own reporters, Michelle Fields, by essentially calling her a liar for saying that she had been grabbed by then-Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. "

              The rest of the article goes on to trash Bannon, Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Milo Yiannopoulus, and so on.
              Last edited by RumTumTugger; 02-03-2017, 09:29 AM. Reason: damn it copy didn't; work to fix show the right one


              • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                wow, then he REALLY has a chip on his shoulder about Bannon. Did you read that trash article Tassman linked to? It read like a rabid liberal.

                Here is how he introduced it:
                "1. Steve Bannon Turned Breitbart Into Trump Pravda For His Own Personal Gain. Back in March, I quit Breitbart News when it became clear to me that they had decided that loyalty to Donald Trump outweighed loyalty to their own employees, helping Trump smear one of their own reporters, Michelle Fields, by essentially calling her a liar for saying that she had been grabbed by then-Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. "

                The rest of the article goes on to trash Bannon, Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Milo Yiannopoulus, and so on.
                he is no flaming liberal he just doesn't agree with some of his fellow conservatives that every thing Trump and his team does is good. he is very balanced in his reporting on what is happening he praises Trump and his team when they deserve it but won't give them a pass when they blow it.

                Judging by a comment he made about how Breitbart treated his father I can understand why he has that chip on his shoulder.
                Last edited by RumTumTugger; 02-03-2017, 09:33 AM.


                • So quote more news articles that still don't refute my original point... "editing a web site doesn't mean you agree with everything published." None of the ridiculous articles you have posted can link Bannon to anything more than providing people like Milo a forum to publish their writings. The loosie-goosie leftist definitions of "alt-right" make it even more laughable.

                  Creationism or Intelligent Design (so called) is wrong.
                  no it isn't. God directs every adaptation that every species makes, and every transition they go through.

                  It is rejected by virtually every scientist on the planet.
                  On materialistic grounds. Big deal.

                  Then you should have nothing to worry about with Pence supporting it.

                  If a parent was truly concerned about the welfare of their child they would accept that their sexual orientation cannot be changed by so-called reparative therapy and love them for who they are.
                  Not even close. Again, not every kid who has those inclinations wants them, and a truly concerned parent will help them however possible, including reminding them of God's standard and what is the most important thing in life is not what you think, but what God expects. That not everything in life is easy, and that doing the right thing is sometimes not the easy path. Not that you'd ever understand any of that...

                  Sometimes, the right path is not the easy one. God's standards are always right. It's the job of a parent to raise a child in the way they should walk.

                  Demonstrably irrational concerns. Except for things that NEED to be overturned, like abortion on demand. And on things like that, you SHOULD be afraid. Very afraid. Your view needs to die a horrible death.

                  Yeah! We can see that in action.
                  Every day. And it looks great from where I sit.

                  No, merely supporting the observation of many that Trump has all the symptoms of a Narcissistic Personally Disorder as enumerated by the DSM V.
                  And so do the stars that spoke at Hillary rallies and the crybaby marches.


                  So, neither term describes Trump. He's by FAR not anti-social.

                  No it isn't. We are talking about fetuses having rights or not.

                  Grow up. I'd be willing to bet that if you were followed around, you'd be recorded saying far worse.

                  Blaming the victim...just like Trump does. Seriously!
                  There was NO VICTIM because he had permission. That's what "They let you" means, stupid. I swear, you idiots... how do you walk upright??

                  Having the President of the USA, and all that he stands for, acting as such a shocking role model re women is far worse than the eccentric antics of mindless celebrities in my opinion.
                  No it isn't. Trump will be done as President in 4-8 years. Madonna, Ashley Judd, Kanye, and other moronic celebrities with no redeeming qualities will be around for decades to come.

                  No it isn't symptomatic of anything other than he likes women and sex. Most of us men do. It's hilarious watching you liberal morons all of a sudden acting like prudes.

                  Furthermore it reflects his outrageous sense of entitlement whereby he "deserves" to get whatever he wants when he wants it...whether women or in politics.

                  That's what
                  - She

                  Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
                  - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

                  I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
                  - Stephen R. Donaldson


                  • Originally posted by Bill the Cat View Post
                    So quote more news articles that still don't refute my original point... "editing a web site doesn't mean you agree with everything published." None of the ridiculous articles you have posted can link Bannon to anything more than providing people like Milo a forum to publish their writings. The loosie-goosie leftist definitions of "alt-right" make it even more laughable.
                    Bannon was the executive chairman of Breitbart news, a website for the "alt-right. No amount of rationalisation can alter this fact.

                    no it isn't. God directs every adaptation that every species makes, and every transition they go through.
                    On materialistic grounds. Big deal.
                    There is no logically coherent alternative to materialism. Creationism/ID is not supported by ANY verified empirical evidence whatsoever whereas Evolution is supported by massive amounts of evidence.

                    Then you should have nothing to worry about with Pence supporting it.
                    Not even close. Again, not every kid who has those inclinations wants them, and a truly concerned parent will help them however possible, including reminding them of God's standard and what is the most important thing in life is not what you think, but what God expects. That not everything in life is easy, and that doing the right thing is sometimes not the easy path. Not that you'd ever understand any of that...

                    Sometimes, the right path is not the easy one. God's standards are always right. It's the job of a parent to raise a child in the way they should walk.

                    Demonstrably irrational concerns. Except for things that NEED to be overturned, like abortion on demand. And on things like that, you SHOULD be afraid. Very afraid. Your view needs to die a horrible death.
                    most people think you are wrong.
                    Every day. And it looks great from where I sit.
                    And so do the stars that spoke at Hillary rallies and the crybaby marches.
                    Tu quoque fallacy and factually incorrect!


                    So, neither term describes Trump. He's by FAR not anti-social.

                    No it isn't. We are talking about fetuses having rights or not.
                    Not when the woman decides upon an abortion according to the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. Nor according to Roe v Wade.

                    Grow up. I'd be willing to bet that if you were followed around, you'd be recorded saying far worse.
                    Nonsense! I'm a model of decorum at all times.

                    There was NO VICTIM because he had permission. That's what "They let you" means, stupid. I swear, you idiots... how do you walk upright??
                    They let you grab their genitals. Of course they do. Nothing they like better, the sluts. <sarcasm>

                    No it isn't. Trump will be done as President in 4-8 years. Madonna, Ashley Judd, Kanye, and other moronic celebrities with no redeeming qualities will be around for decades to come.
                    No it isn't symptomatic of anything other than he likes women and sex. Most of us men do. It's hilarious watching you liberal morons all of a sudden acting like prudes.


                    • if breitbart is the website for the alt-right, then "alt-right" does not mean what liberals claim it means.


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