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Prepubescent "Transgender Activist"

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Jaecp View Post

    Adrift not being taken seriously comes from a repeated refusal to engage in the basics of debate. The same is not true of SL.
    So Adrift being emotional in this thread, on this topic, means he shouldn't be taken seriously?? Really??

    Ever looked at his posts on the Apologetics forum? Consistently one of the most informed, thoughtful and open-minded posters we have. That he has some principles on moral issues that he won't compromise on makes him somehow less worth taking seriously than you guys, who apparently have no such scruples?


    You're right about one thing, though. Starlight isn't taken seriously for the same reasons that you have an issue with Adrift. It's because he loves to pontificate about how 'bad' America is. Because he has serious moral boundary problems in some areas that other posters see as non-negotiables. Because he will resort to name-calling and character assassination when he can't win an argument. Because he mocks using Breitbart as a source (fair enough) but then cites TYT as a source himself (double standard much?).
    ...>>> Witty remark or snarky quote of another poster goes here <<<...


    • #92
      Thanks MaxVel.

      Originally posted by Jaecp View Post
      This is a debate forum. Moralizing is referring to your complete lack of argument for your position. Moral Outrage is not a substitute for an argument and, as other conservative Christians have told you, there are people who are not me who will argue for this in earnest and not as an exercise. You do your cause a disservice by refusing to engage with the concepts in a way that you can refute them cleanly instead of relying on being the majority, which is 100% what you're doing. What about if the future gets to the point where people who actually think this is a good idea start advocating for it? Will you rely on simply shouting that its wrong without bothering to make an argument? Do you think that would work?
      Yes, moral outrage can certainly be a good substitute for an argument. One need not commit themselves to an argument to defeat ideas that are so insane, so repulsive that they should fill with shame those who propose them for serious contemplation, and that would make a sober audience recoil in disgust. I don't need a five point argument for why we shouldn't gas Jews, murder inconvenient newborns, shoot addicts in the head, or offer child porn to pedophiles (though I do recall agreeing with arguments that were made against it anyways). These things are so monstrous, so evil, that it should leave people mouths agape, looking at you as though you had two heads just for suggesting them. They are so inhuman, so absurd and horrendous, that nothing more than out and out moral outrage should do. One would hope that whatever shred of God given humanity left in you would be touched by that outrage. I would like to think that your post after post of faux indignation, repeated mantra of "hypothetical" and "thought experiment", and refusal to simply shrug your shoulders and ignore me for being the bore I am hints at the fact that you know deep down someplace, that you're in the wrong. Either way, I will never simply entertain arguments that we ought to kill unwanted children, offer pedophiles child porn, and allow small children of mixed gender to disrobe in front of one another in public schools. Again, people with healthy rational minds people don't entertain arguments in support of these sorts of things. You don't entertain complete lunacy by pretending that it has any sort of validity.

      Originally posted by Jaecp View Post
      Hiding behind? You keep pretending like this is something I secretly believe. I keep telling you I don't. Either I'm lying for some reason or you're emotionally compromised.
      I note that you still haven't answered Sparko's question.

      Originally posted by Sea of red View Post
      It's alright if you don't care what I think, or what anyone else that opposes you thinks. What's not acceptable is your inability to control yourself in a discussion that you find offensive, how you tell people to "shut-up", say we are sick for not agreeing with you, distort peoples positions to the most evil straw-man you can think of, and you're childish "I wish I could hit you!" melodrama. Geez, someone agrees with something you morally object to, and you want to punch them? You sound like some Reddit teenager. Honestly, you need to get control of yourself emotionally, and maybe see someone. You are so emotional about everything lately, and your posts have little to no content anymore. You're like a parrot that repeats the same thing over and over again, with the same emotional meltdowns we've been reading the past six months. We heard you the first ten times. Please, let a dead dog lie already - you made your point a millions times over.

      No one has called for the raping of children - you are making that up and you know it. And as for Starlight's position on abortion, get over it already. It's been almost two years since he said that, and you've made your point a million times over. Everyone on this forum shares your opinion, is that not enough? Are you just going to bring it up until he leaves the forum? Good grief, move on with your life. Put him on ignore, or find a way to engage him civilly. You think I like everything I read on here about war, drug users, prostitutes, gays, and other stuff? I debate it - sometimes it gets heated - then I move on. I don't have to keep debating the same stuff, and trying to goad people into a discussion that was already covered.

      You are not on a mission from God, Jake Blues.
      Sea, you are the very LAST person to talk about controlling oneself, and getting over it. You are the KING of tantrums, and holding grudges. You're still holding a grudge against me for pointing out that lilpixie gets under your skin months and months ago. Something that's obvious to EVERYONE on this forum. And you're still mad at me for telling you to "shut up" a couple months ago, after you childishly and insensitively told a known recovering alcoholic that you figured he was drinking in the middle of the day, just so you could win a tit-for-tat with him. Again, you don't have the high road here. And no. I will NEVER let go of someone who proposes infanticide as a solution. Are you insane? Stop telling me to do so. I will NOT engage with someone civilly over something like that, nor will I forget it, no more than I would someone who believed blacks ought to be lynched, or that Jews ought to be gassed. People ought to be reminded of the moral monsters that they're dealing with. That you would even suggest that I forget about it is stunning. You and your buddies have been so steeped in the ungodliness of your worldviews that you can't even recognize out and out evil when its right in your face anymore. To you it's simply an unusual, maybe uncomfortable opinion that should be dropped and forgotten. But it's not just an unusual or icky opinion. You don't need to be on a mission from God to see how ghastly these views are. Even other unbelievers would find these ideas reprehensible.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
        lol @ calling psychology "the medical profession". Why not call astrology "the astronomer profession" while you're at it.
        This is not even psychology, it is child abuse.
        Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


        • #94
          Originally posted by Adrift View Post
          Yes, moral outrage can certainly be a good substitute for an argument. One need not commit themselves to an argument to defeat ideas that are so insane, so repulsive that they should fill with shame those who propose them for serious contemplation, and that would make a sober audience recoil in disgust. I don't need a five point argument for why we shouldn't gas Jews, murder inconvenient newborns, shoot addicts in the head, or offer child porn to pedophiles (though I do recall agreeing with arguments that were made against it anyways). These things are so monstrous, so evil, that it should leave people mouths agape, looking at you as though you had two heads just for suggesting them. They are so inhuman, so absurd and horrendous, that nothing more than out and out moral outrage should do. One would hope that whatever shred of God given humanity left in you would be touched by that outrage. I would like to think that your post after post of faux indignation, repeated mantra of "hypothetical" and "thought experiment", and refusal to simply shrug your shoulders and ignore me for being the bore I am hints at the fact that you know deep down someplace, that you're in the wrong. Either way, I will never simply entertain arguments that we ought to kill unwanted children, offer pedophiles child porn, and allow small children of mixed gender to disrobe in front of one another in public schools. Again, people with healthy rational minds people don't entertain arguments in support of these sorts of things. You don't entertain complete lunacy by pretending that it has any sort of validity.
          Adrift, I've read some opinions I find disgusting, immoral, socially destructive, or harmful to others. Some of the things I've read on here and at other sites have made me sick to my stomach, and I don't want to know some of the people that believe those things. But I don't call people monsters, say they are evil for an opinion, or break out a canned speech every chance I get. This idea you have of just "shaming" people into viewpoints is not going to work - you sound like a SJW. Ideas don't go away under those circumstances; they go underground, and come back later. You're better off to try to figure out where a persons thinking went off the rails, and see if you can get to the bottom of it. Granted, often this doesn't work, and people are set in their ways. You can't win them all - especially issues on morality. Getting obsessed about it and trying to goad people into a derail, does not help things.

          Might I suggest you try to talk to Starlight calmly? From my conversations with him, he's pretty willing to hear people out, and you might be surprised. You may not become friends or anything, but you might resolve something. Give it a shot. If you're not willing to do that, then you need to just stay away from him.

          Sea, you are the very LAST person to talk about controlling oneself, and getting over it. You are the KING of tantrums, and holding grudges.
          Yep, I tend to not be so nice when people troll and insult me. I'm not a doormat for other peoples feet. If I'm the king of tantrums, you must have the title of the world heavy-weight champion of melodrama and emotional meltdowns. It's just comedic to see you analyze the psychology of so many people, while you have been having these same emotional outbursts for the past six months. You've given people plenty of ammo to make that case.
          You're still holding a grudge against me for pointing out that lilpixie gets under your skin months and months ago. Something that's obvious to EVERYONE on this forum. And you're still mad at me for telling you to "shut up" a couple months ago, after you childishly and insensitively told a known recovering alcoholic that you figured he was drinking in the middle of the day, just so you could win a tit-for-tat with him. Again, you don't have the high road here.
          I didn't know BtC had a problem and frankly, I don't really care. His opinion on drug addicts and prostitutes deserving jail, while being an addict himself, makes him enough of a hypocrite that he gets no empathy from me. The man dishes it out as far more than he gets it back, so cry me a river.

          I don't care about your amateur psychoanalysis of me issues with other forum users. I privately tried to extend an olive branch twice, and apologized for my end. There is no grudge between us at all. I think you're assuming your own feelings are also mine.. You're the one still going on calling me a punk, a liar, telling me to shut-up, that Jesus is coming, and blah blah blah. Then you're telling Justin that you wish you could punch him in the mouth - which is just unacceptable on a webforum. You've got no room to talk about 'tantrums' , Adrift. You sound like you're losing your damn mind. Take some meds or something.
          And no. I will NEVER let go of someone who proposes infanticide as a solution. Are you insane? Stop telling me to do so. I will NOT engage with someone civilly over something like that, nor will I forget it, no more than I would someone who believed blacks ought to be lynched, or that Jews ought to be gassed. People ought to be reminded of the moral monsters that they're dealing with. That you would even suggest that I forget about it is stunning. You and your buddies have been so steeped in the ungodliness of your worldviews that you can't even recognize out and out evil when its right in your face anymore. To you it's simply an unusual, maybe uncomfortable opinion that should be dropped and forgotten. But it's not just an unusual or icky opinion. You don't need to be on a mission from God to see how ghastly these views are. Even other unbelievers would find these ideas reprehensible.
          So what if I do? Got news for you, I've debated people that believe in segregation, Nazi's that taunted Jewish forum members with pictures of gas chambers, Muslims that called for beheading, people that want all out anarchy, and Westboro Church types that pray for dead soldiers. There's some real freaks on the internet. I've pretty much run into it all at some point, and it's been a growing experience. I did get upset with these people, but I did not become obsessed about it like you do about Starlight. Seriously, you don't see this fixation as becoming unhealthy for you? You sound like you need a break,

          I've said all I want, you can have the last word.

          Merry Christmas.
          Last edited by Sea of red; 12-23-2016, 03:55 PM.


          • #95
            Right? Feel free to respond to SoR, Adrift, because this thing you're doing is too sad for me to waste my time on anymore


            • #96
              Originally posted by Sea of red View Post
              My hunch is that he's trying to gain respect from the rest of this forum by lashing out at it's most hated members with predictable preaching to the choir.
              I don't agree with Adrift on everything or the way he sometimes responds, but he's had my respect for about a decade now. I don't think he's anywhere near so insecure as to pander to people for respect - and I wouldn't respect him if he tried; respect doesn't work that way. I respect you as well in certain areas, even if I disagree with you on just about everything else.

              Merry Christmas.
              Veritas vos Liberabit<>< Learn Greek <>< Look here for an Orthodox Church in America<><Ancient Faith Radio
              I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


              • #97
                Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
                I don't agree with Adrift on everything or the way he sometimes responds, but he's had my respect for about a decade now. I don't think he's anywhere near so insecure as to pander to people for respect - and I wouldn't respect him if he tried; respect doesn't work that way. I respect you as well in certain areas, even if I disagree with you on just about everything else.

                Merry Christmas.
                He had mine and James, too, until rather recently.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by JimL View Post
                  Subjective opinion. When you have any real experience with transgender children, let me know.
                  Funny that, because it's biological fact that the kid is a boy but it's the boys subjective opinion that he thinks he is a girl.

                  Transgenderism is the liberals version of Young Earth Creationism.
                  Last edited by Darth Ovious; 12-25-2016, 08:18 AM.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Darth Ovious View Post
                    Funny that, because it's biological fact that the kid is a boy but it's the boys subjective opinion that he thinks he is a girl.

                    Transgenderism is the liberals version of Young Earth Creationism.
                    Well the idea is that males and females not only differ in their physical natures but that they also differ in their mental/emotional natures. That one is subject to his/her mental nature is not necessarily a matter of their opinion any more so than it would be a matter of subjective opinion with respect to their being subject to their physical nature.


                    • Originally posted by Darth Ovious View Post
                      Funny that, because it's biological fact that the kid is a boy but it's the boys subjective opinion that he thinks he is a girl.

                      Transgenderism is the liberals version of Young Earth Creationism.
                      Worse than that.
                      Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


                      • Originally posted by Darth Ovious View Post
                        Funny that, because it's biological fact that the kid is a boy but it's the boys subjective opinion that he thinks he is a girl.

                        Transgenderism is the liberals version of Young Earth Creationism.
                        We should call them "Biology Deniers."
                        Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...



                        • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                          Well the idea is that males and females not only differ in their physical natures but that they also differ in their mental/emotional natures. That one is subject to his/her mental nature is not necessarily a matter of their opinion any more so than it would be a matter of subjective opinion with respect to their being subject to their physical nature.
                          There are X chromosones and Y chromosones. Guess which combinations make a male and which combinaton makes female.


                          • Originally posted by Darth Ovious View Post
                            Funny that, because it's biological fact that the kid is a boy but it's the boys subjective opinion that he thinks he is a girl.

                            Transgenderism is the liberals version of Young Earth Creationism.


                            • Originally posted by seer View Post
                              We should call them "Biology Deniers."
                              A good term for people who reject the fact that "male" and "female" are designations based on a generalization of a myriad of processes that involve, in aggregate, gene expression, hormones, and neurology which can result, in a small percentage of human beings, mixed expressions of characteristics that result in anguish that may only be resolved through integration into society as an individual's preferred identity.


                              • Originally posted by Darth Ovious View Post
                                There are X chromosones and Y chromosones. Guess which combinations make a male and which combinaton makes female.
                                Its not necessarily as simplistic as you would like to believe. Chromosones don't necessarily tell the whole story. The brain can differ from the physical nature of the body, male or female, that it occupies.

                                Edited by a Moderator

                                Moderated By: Jedidiah

                                Argument by Weblink is not permitted. You must at least summarize what each link says.

                                ***If you wish to take issue with this notice DO NOT do so in this thread.***
                                Contact the forum moderator or an administrator in Private Message or email instead. If you feel you must publicly complain or whine, please take it to the Padded Room unless told otherwise.

                                Last edited by Jedidiah; 12-27-2016, 02:53 PM.


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