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  • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
    Yeah cuz that is what nasty people like you do.
    Lol, you people really have no idea how to handle someone just not taking you seriously anymore after they used to, do ya?


    • Originally posted by Jaecp View Post
      You told me I'd have the last word like an hour ago. Your lack of self control is really all that's keeping this conversation going. Did you leave the Air Force or something?

      Mild? Wait... you need someone to explain to you the difference between Existential and External? Google up the definitions already, you just told us you're not at work so your lack of research at this point is simply banal. And you're blaming this on Dyslexia? And you've said this several times? No, this is the first you've told me and the first time Dyslexic or Dyslexia has appeared in this thread was in the post above and you have never told me any
      notice I never said LPOT was not being "mean" to you. I was just pointing out that you love to complain about her (and even other's behavior on this forum) while you engage in the very same behavior yourself, so you really have no room to complain. That's all.


      • Originally posted by Jaecp View Post
        This is simply what she is. Take it under advisement or not, Roy and other people who might be tempted to try and educate her.
        I gave up trying to educate her a many years ago, after she wasted an immense quantity of spittle not retracting her ludicrous claim that the US spend the lowest % of GDP on defence of any country.
        Jorge: Functional Complex Information is INFORMATION that is complex and functional.

        MM: First of all, the Bible is a fixed document.
        MM on covid-19: We're talking about an illness with a better than 99.9% rate of survival.

        seer: I believe that so called 'compassion' [for starving Palestinian kids] maybe a cover for anti Semitism, ...


        • Originally posted by roy View Post
          i gave up trying to educate her a many years ago, after she wasted an immense quantity of spittle not retracting her ludicrous claim that the us spend the lowest % of gdp on defence of any country.


          • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
            notice I never said LPOT was not being "mean" to you. I was just pointing out that you love to complain about her (and even other's behavior on this forum) while you engage in the very same behavior yourself, so you really have no room to complain. That's all.
            Nope, I have plenty of room. A review of my posting history, particularly pre-crash, clearly shows you a very different Jaecp from the me of the last few months where I've taken a more confrontational tone than before. A tone that, by the way, is not only technically allowable within the site rules that you, as an owner, defended not long ago to me. So now, after nearly a decade of posts on this website, I give back a smidgen of vinegar and you guys lose your minds. It's kind of funny, isn't it? A few months back when I was literally still cherubic enough that you guys let me ban a freakin' moderator from all threads I start and you don't realize anything? Aye yai yai
            Last edited by Jaecp; 09-28-2016, 10:51 AM.


            • Originally posted by Jaecp View Post
              Nope, I have plenty of room. A review of my posting history, particularly pre-crash, clearly shows you a very different Jaecp from the me of the last few months where I've taken a more confrontational tone than before. A tone that, by the way, is not only technically allowable within the site rules that you, as an owner, defended not long ago to me. So now, after nearly a decade of posts on this website, I give back a smidgen of vinegar and you guys lose your minds. It's kind of funny, isn't it? A few months back when I was literally still cherubic enough that you guys let me ban a freakin' moderator from all threads I start and you don't realize anything? Aye yai yai
              Hey you can be as nasty as you want. That's not a problem as long as you stay within the rules. Just like LPOT. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of you whining about her while you are doing the same thing. Since you are not being "more confrontational" and spewing "vinegar" - maybe you should stop whining about other people doing the same?


              • Originally posted by Jaecp View Post
                Yup, I think that's what she said (though my memory may be faulty). I've still got a copy of one of my (pre-crash) posts somewhere, since it was long and I composed it outside the Tweb response box.
                Jorge: Functional Complex Information is INFORMATION that is complex and functional.

                MM: First of all, the Bible is a fixed document.
                MM on covid-19: We're talking about an illness with a better than 99.9% rate of survival.

                seer: I believe that so called 'compassion' [for starving Palestinian kids] maybe a cover for anti Semitism, ...


                • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                  Hey you can be as nasty as you want. That's not a problem as long as you stay within the rules. Just like LPOT. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of you whining about her while you are doing the same thing. Since you are not being "more confrontational" and spewing "vinegar" - maybe you should stop whining about other people doing the same?
                  Why should I? I have 8-ish years of posts demonstrating that I can easily debate politely. The same cannot be said of LPOT. There are also, still, massive qualitative and quantitative differences between what I've done here (which, again, is mostly quoting her posts and going SEE!!) which is why I am just not taking your charge of hypocrisy seriously.
                  Last edited by Jaecp; 09-28-2016, 11:14 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Roy View Post
                    Yup, I think that's what she said (though my memory may be faulty). I've still got a copy of one of my (pre-crash) posts somewhere, since it was long and I composed it outside the Tweb response box.
                    I used to do that too when the apologetics threads got too lost in the weeds. Over time, I've gotten pretty good at distilling what I'm going to say into as few words as possible so I don't do that as much anymore (and this is a computer or 2 since then so I don't have any copies) but it would be interesting to look back, as I have on other forums, to see how I've changed. It's neat.


                    • Originally posted by Jaecp View Post
                      Why should I? I have 8-ish years of posts demonstrating that I can easily debate politely. The same cannot be said of LPOT. There are also, still, massive qualitative and quantitative differences between what I've done here (which, again, is mostly quoting her posts and going SEE!!) which is why I am just not taking your charge of hypocrisy seriously.
                      Yeah, I think I've changed a lot too.

                      I used to be far more militant but in my older age, I've grown to not be as political about this stuff. What I did enjoy for awhile was the fight for truth - whatever it might be. I don't see the world as theist vs atheist like I used to, but I've also gotten more cynical about the world improving.


                      • Originally posted by Jaecp View Post
                        ...which is why I am just not taking your charge of hypocrisy seriously.
                        That's obvious. But then don't expect anyone to take YOUR charges seriously the next time you whine about how others should be polite and civil to one another.


                        • Originally posted by Jaecp View Post
                          You told me I'd have the last word like an hour ago. Your lack of self control is really all that's keeping this conversation going. Did you leave the Air Force or something?
                          Funny how this ends up being all my fault and you don't take any responsibility for any of this yourself and just blame me for it all. Yet again, others are at fault, but Jaecp! He's just the innocent victim of the evil lilpixie and her evil ways.

                          FYI you do know what quarters is, do you not?

                          Mild? Wait... you need someone to explain to you the difference between Existential and External? Google up the definitions already, you just told us you're not at work so your lack of research at this point is simply banal. And you're blaming this on Dyslexia? And you've said this several times? No, this is the first you've told me and the first time Dyslexic or Dyslexia has appeared in this thread was in the post above and you have never told me any
                          So cute to watch you miss the point starting right at your face and you're just too full of hatred and spittle to see it so let me help you out here. Here is my major points, one using the word 'external' and the other using the word 'existential'.

                          How many people need to die before these groups become enough of an external threat to warrant a military response?

                          How many people need to die before these groups become enough of a existential threat to warrant a military response?

                          Now, in detail, explain the major differences between those two word choices and how it specifically changes around everything I said. Of course, I don't expect you to do that because what I expect from you is more hatred and spittle vs actually trying to have a decent conversation because you're not capable of having any sort of decent conversation with somebody who disagrees with you too much.
                          "The man from the yacht thought he was the first to find England; I thought I was the first to find Europe. I did try to found a heresy of my own; and when I had put the last touches to it, I discovered that it was orthodoxy."
                          GK Chesterton; Orthodoxy


                          • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                            Hey you can be as nasty as you want. That's not a problem as long as you stay within the rules. Just like LPOT. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of you whining about her while you are doing the same thing. Since you are not being "more confrontational" and spewing "vinegar" - maybe you should stop whining about other people doing the same?
                            You're not really a problem. You don't follow people around and derail threads over personal issues you have with people. Anytime we have a problem you seem to get over it fairly quick, and move forward with people.


                            • Originally posted by Roy View Post
                              I gave up trying to educate her a many years ago, after she wasted an immense quantity of spittle not retracting her ludicrous claim that the US spend the lowest % of GDP on defence of any country.
                              And remember, this comes from the same person that tried to argue that New Zealand has less of a population density than the US and when pointed out that he was dead wrong, ran away vs admitting he was wrong.
                              "The man from the yacht thought he was the first to find England; I thought I was the first to find Europe. I did try to found a heresy of my own; and when I had put the last touches to it, I discovered that it was orthodoxy."
                              GK Chesterton; Orthodoxy


                              • Originally posted by lilpixieofterror View Post
                                Funny how this ends up being all my fault and you don't take any responsibility for any of this yourself and just blame me for it all. Yet again, others are at fault, but Jaecp! He's just the innocent victim of the evil lilpixie and her evil ways.

                                FYI you do know what quarters is, do you not?

                                So cute to watch you miss the point starting right at your face and you're just too full of hatred and spittle to see it so let me help you out here. Here is my major points, one using the word 'external' and the other using the word 'existential'.

                                How many people need to die before these groups become enough of an external threat to warrant a military response?

                                How many people need to die before these groups become enough of a existential threat to warrant a military response?

                                Now, in detail, explain the major differences between those two word choices and how it specifically changes around everything I said. Of course, I don't expect you to do that because what I expect from you is more hatred and spittle vs actually trying to have a decent conversation because you're not capable of having any sort of decent conversation with somebody who disagrees with you too much.
                                May I ask what exactly it is you expect from Jaecp, Roy, and myself after years of your name calling? You can't call be morons, retards, derail their conversations etc, for eight years, and then expect them not to have some hateful feelings towards you.


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