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Double Catastrophe Wiped Out Dinosaurs: Deccan Traps Volcanism and Chicxulub Impact

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  • Double Catastrophe Wiped Out Dinosaurs: Deccan Traps Volcanism and Chicxulub Impact

    Hey Guys!?!?! How about some real science!

    There has been some debate in the past concerning the meteor impact and the Decan traps eruption. I have supported that the they are to some extent related events. Others have disagreed that the timing was off concerning the Decan traps eruption. Recent research has supported my view.


    Double Catastrophe Wiped Out Dinosaurs: Deccan Traps Volcanism and Chicxulub Impact

    © Copyright Original Source
    Last edited by shunyadragon; 10-04-2015, 03:37 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post
    Hey Guys!?!?! How about some real science!

    There has been some debate in the past concerning the meteor impact and the Decan traps eruption. I have supported that the they are to some extent related events. Others have disagreed that the timing was off concerning the Decan traps eruption. Recent research has supported my view.


    Double Catastrophe Wiped Out Dinosaurs: Deccan Traps Volcanism and Chicxulub Impact

    © Copyright Original Source
    Neat find.

    That has been an area of debate for quite a while, given the relative closeness of the two events. So getting the origin of the Taps closer to Chicxulub is significant, I think.

    So the dinosaurs got punched then gassed? No wonder some tried to fly away.


    • #3
      Never thought that it was an either/or situation.

      I'm always still in trouble again

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      "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


      • #4
        Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
        Never thought that it was an either/or situation.
        This pretty much confirms it was both!


        • #5
          Actually it was sylas who most strongly objected to the Deccan Traps were involved or related to the meteor impact here in post #5:


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