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An excellent summary of the science of the expansion of the universal

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  • An excellent summary of the science of the expansion of the universal


    Cosmology's Only Big Problems Are Manufactured Misunderstandings

    © Copyright Original Source

  • #2
    It always felt to me that there is something wrong with the whole Dark Matter/Dark Energy theories. They seem like made-up stuff to explain facts we can't explain. More complicated than it needs to be.

    Reminds me of the epicycle theory of the Ptolemaic system where they had weird circles within circles to explain retrograde orbits because they refused to accept the sun as the center of the solar system.

    I think there is a simple explanation that will eliminate dark matter and dark energy.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sparko View Post
      It always felt to me that there is something wrong with the whole Dark Matter/Dark Energy theories. They seem like made-up stuff to explain facts we can't explain. More complicated than it needs to be.

      Reminds me of the epicycle theory of the Ptolemaic system where they had weird circles within circles to explain retrograde orbits because they refused to accept the sun as the center of the solar system.

      I think there is a simple explanation that will eliminate dark matter and dark energy.
      As far as 'dark matter and dark energy' it is a yes and no that you may be right. Some scientists propose that our description of 'dark matter and energy' simply reflects the nature of the expanding universe leaving Quantum Mechanics voids in the wake of expansion. Also, 'dark matter and energy may be real, and we yet do not have an explanation for it. Dark matter and energy remain unexplained, and likely not subject to a simple explanation.
      Last edited by shunyadragon; 05-09-2019, 02:59 PM.


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