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The use of wi-fi and cellphones is detrimental to one's health

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  • The use of wi-fi and cellphones is detrimental to one's health

    RF specs

  • #2
    Don't forget constipation. People spend at least ten minutes sitting on a toilet in public restrooms without moving a muscle. You can see enough of their shadows under the door to know they're holding a mobile phone in their hands.
    When I Survey....


    • #3
      I'm not going to watch videos that are over an hour long just to check up on your claims, particularly as they're probably just the same statements made elsewhere by those claiming cell phone radiation is dangerous. Though in regards to your link to RF Safe at the end, a company that sells stuff that protects you from cell phone radiation is hardly the least biased source in regards to how dangerous said radiation is.

      Ultimately, the claim made that "Cellphones and wifi are damaging to one's body and health" is currently equivocal (note I'm referring to radiation, it's more or less absolute fact that texting while driving or while walking around where there are moving cars is a threat to your health). Some studies have indicated a possible link, but other studies have demonstrated no apparent connection between cell phone use and health issues. There's been a lot of attention paid to the study the National Toxicology Program did recently that showed (in their words) "clear evidence" that the radiation caused tumors to develop in rats, but there are a number of problems: Rats obviously aren't humans, this linkage was only observed in the male rats (not female), and it didn't happen in the mice that the study was also performed on. It's a concerning find, but due to what was noted in the previous sentence, how dangerous this demonstrates the radiation to be for humans is unclear. The ultimate conclusion at this point is that while there could be health problems from cell phone radiation, we don't know for sure. Most likely in a decade or two we'll have much more convincing data one way or the other.

      All that said, even though the current evidence of cell phone radiation danger is exaggerated considerably by some, it hasn't been proven that they are fully safe either. There are various steps can be taken to protect yourself with minimal if any inconveniences such as not storing them in your pocket or anywhere else that puts them extremely close to your skin (if you have to store them in such places, at least turn them off or put them in airplane mode), not spending overly long amount of times using them, not putting them directly against your ear when talking, and texting rather than talking on them when possible. If the radiation has health dangers, then you've helped yourself, and if they don't, well, you've at worst mildly inconvenienced yourself with these steps, if even that.

      Incidentally, there's something that there's more evidence for causing health issues than cell phones when held on your skin: Laptops. Despite their name, don't put them directly on your lap. If you're going to do that, put something between it and your lap.
      Last edited by Terraceth; 12-23-2018, 03:59 PM.


      • #4
        You are being constantly bathed in electromagnetic radiation from TV and Radio stations that add up a lot more than what a cell phone puts out or wifi, especially if your cell phone is just in receive mode and not even transmitting more than a minimum level to keep in contact with a tower. And there is no evidence that regular levels of EMR can cause any damage unless you live next to a tower and it is acting like a microwave and heating up your body. It is not radiation like ionizing radiation (nuclear) - electromagnetic radiation is just photons. Basically light energy at nonvisible frequencies.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sparko View Post
          You are being constantly bathed in electromagnetic radiation from TV and Radio stations that add up a lot more than what a cell phone puts out or wifi, especially if your cell phone is just in receive mode and not even transmitting more than a minimum level to keep in contact with a tower. And there is no evidence that regular levels of EMR can cause any damage unless you live next to a tower and it is acting like a microwave and heating up your body. It is not radiation like ionizing radiation (nuclear) - electromagnetic radiation is just photons. Basically light energy at nonvisible frequencies.
          We are bathed in various sorts and types of radiation every day.
          Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


          • #6
            I did the original post to just get out a general caution about what is happening. I wasn't ready to post a restatement of all the concerns and research that would pertain to the discussion.

            The first video has Dr. Devra Davis speaking at University of Melbourne which I was using to show the concerns are recognized at the university level.

            The evidence goes contrary to Sparko's oversimplification of the EM spectrum; but the US testing only examines heating levels -- as if cooking your brain is a trivial thing (if we are looking only at this aspect of harmful effects).

            All EM waves are not the same, just like all visible and near-visible light frequencies differ. We know infra-red can warm things up while ultra-violet can give bad sunburns.

            Also, the intensity of signals matter -- which is why the phone manuals will say not to ever have the phone within 1" from your body -- or generally stating not to have your body come "too close" to the antenna during operation of the phone.

            I'm just trying to provide some advance notification of concerns about phones and wi-fi. To neglect the basic concerns is certainly up to people to chose whether they want to risk cancer on the hope that the future medical examinations of radiation will not confirm the dangers of common usage of the phones (and wi-fi and laptops).

            The testimony of a person getting headaches near wi-fi equipment gave quick affirmation of the possible effects of wi-fi to me, after I had read about the radiation problems. The cooking process of microwave ovens and cellphones also means that the molecules are vibrating in reaction to the radio waves. Are we to assume that this vibration is only superficial -- and not to suspect that there can be worse effects on the cells of our bodies?
            I do have to admit that the ants in the microwave oven may survive two-three minutes of cooking. But if we even if we just cook our heads in microwave ovens for two to three minutes, we won't likely just feel warmer. We are likely to lose brain cells, if even living through it. How many of your brain cells are expendable due to cellphone usage before you are concerned?

            Overall, I haven't changed my habits too much. But I will probably use wired headphones for long phone calls. I also try to use a wired connection to my computer at home so that the wi-fi can be turned off. I will probably check to see that if my microwave oven door still shields the microwave signal decently -- and I will try to avoid putting my face close to the microwave door while cooking stuff.

            I'll try to share a little more of what I have found. And I will try to provide more of the specific research data -- especially the peer-reviewed data. If other people can share research data, especially independent studies ... or identify experts, that would be helpful.


            • #7
              I think some of the comments here were made with the goal of reducing the possibility that people will be overly scared of the unique contributions of wi-fi and cellphones. There is the interest in equating all radio waves so as to then prevent the Charlie Brown type of fear, the fear of everything. The motive behind this can be appreciated. But without some critical information that is obtained from research materials, we can't knowledgeably decide which precautions to deem useful in protecting our health and promoting the healthy living of other people.
              Last edited by mikewhitney; 12-27-2018, 05:59 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post
                I did the original post to just get out a general caution about what is happening. I wasn't ready to post a restatement of all the concerns and research that would pertain to the discussion.

                The first video has Dr. Devra Davis speaking at University of Melbourne which I was using to show the concerns are recognized at the university level.

                The evidence goes contrary to Sparko's oversimplification of the EM spectrum; but the US testing only examines heating levels -- as if cooking your brain is a trivial thing (if we are looking only at this aspect of harmful effects).

                All EM waves are not the same, just like all visible and near-visible light frequencies differ. We know infra-red can warm things up while ultra-violet can give bad sunburns.

                Also, the intensity of signals matter -- which is why the phone manuals will say not to ever have the phone within 1" from your body -- or generally stating not to have your body come "too close" to the antenna during operation of the phone.

                I'm just trying to provide some advance notification of concerns about phones and wi-fi. To neglect the basic concerns is certainly up to people to chose whether they want to risk cancer on the hope that the future medical examinations of radiation will not confirm the dangers of common usage of the phones (and wi-fi and laptops).

                The testimony of a person getting headaches near wi-fi equipment gave quick affirmation of the possible effects of wi-fi to me, after I had read about the radiation problems. The cooking process of microwave ovens and cellphones also means that the molecules are vibrating in reaction to the radio waves. Are we to assume that this vibration is only superficial -- and not to suspect that there can be worse effects on the cells of our bodies?
                I do have to admit that the ants in the microwave oven may survive two-three minutes of cooking. But if we even if we just cook our heads in microwave ovens for two to three minutes, we won't likely just feel warmer. We are likely to lose brain cells, if even living through it. How many of your brain cells are expendable due to cellphone usage before you are concerned?

                Overall, I haven't changed my habits too much. But I will probably use wired headphones for long phone calls. I also try to use a wired connection to my computer at home so that the wi-fi can be turned off. I will probably check to see that if my microwave oven door still shields the microwave signal decently -- and I will try to avoid putting my face close to the microwave door while cooking stuff.

                I'll try to share a little more of what I have found. And I will try to provide more of the specific research data -- especially the peer-reviewed data. If other people can share research data, especially independent studies ... or identify experts, that would be helpful.
                As you show above, the only real danger is from heating, that is why heating is what they test in regards to EM radiation. Photons that just pass through an object can't harm it. Only if they interact with the object can they transfer energy. And the only way the energy can manifest in flesh would be through heat. The photons in a light bulb and in a microwave oven are the same photons. The difference is the wavelength they vibrate. Microwaves heat up objects because their wavelength interacts with water molecules and causes them to speed up (generating heat). UV light is also at a frequency that our skin is sensitive to and it basically boils down to our skin absorbing energy and breaking down molecules which is at it's basic level still generating heat (thus sunburns) - plus it is high enough energy to be ionizing radiation which can damage cells because it can knock electrons off of atoms (ionizing them) like X-rays and damage DNA. But anything in the visible spectrum or lower (radio) is non-ionizing and does not damage molecules or DNA

                Cell phone frequencies just pass right through us. Basically to a radio wave which has a relatively long wavelength, we appear transparent, like glass. The radio waves don't really interact with us. Plus the cell phone only transmits at 4 watts. That's nothing. And on standby, it is in receive mode with a few handshake signals and uses about 1W max I believe.
                Last edited by Sparko; 01-02-2019, 09:35 AM.


                • #9
                  I just realized this post from Jan 2.

                  The conclusion wasn't that the only damage is from heating -- rather, heating is the only effect being measured and utilized for passing government requirements. The discussions on the radiation penetrating through us is that various cells and molecules in your body are disrupted. It may be possible that some signals pass through your body while still disrupting your cells -- which would result in a change of frequency -- as reflective of the amount of energy lost while the wave propagated through you.

                  Also, it may be helpful to remember that cooked brain cells cannot be a good thing. Also, children have smaller head which means the cell damage affects the center of the child's brain.


                  • #10
                    Radio waves are not the same as ionizing radiation(UV rays, x-rays, gamma rays)! You also can't microwave with them, that would be microwaves! Guess what, you are being bombarded with electromagnetic radiation all the time. What do you think visible light is?
                    If it weren't for the Resurrection of Jesus, we'd all be in DEEP TROUBLE!


                    • #11
                      I hope you know the different effects of different frequencies on the body. I hope people understand that the discussion on EMF is on certain ranges of frequencies and certain intensity levels as well. As an analogy, ocean waves that are 1 foot high may not be harmful to most people at the shoreline of the beach, but 20 foot waves can be a concern.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post
                        I hope you know the different effects of different frequencies on the body. I hope people understand that the discussion on EMF is on certain ranges of frequencies and certain intensity levels as well. As an analogy, ocean waves that are 1 foot high may not be harmful to most people at the shoreline of the beach, but 20 foot waves can be a concern.
                        Which is why gamma rays are very dangerous, but radio waves are harmless! Gamma rays have a lot of energy, like tidal waves, and radio waves don't have a lot of energy, like ripples.
                        If it weren't for the Resurrection of Jesus, we'd all be in DEEP TROUBLE!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Christianbookworm View Post
                          Which is why gamma rays are very dangerous, but radio waves are harmless! Gamma rays have a lot of energy, like tidal waves, and radio waves don't have a lot of energy, like ripples.
                          Exactly. But we aren't talking about your FM/AM radio, we are talking about microwave radiation with biological effects. I am just trying to pass on some of the warnings that come with the use of such equipment. If you don't wish to consider these elements in your life, you are free to do as you wish. I'm trying to relay some precautions which may keep people from other sources of cancer and other diseases. But this isn't intended to make people fearful of their own shadows.

                          We know that people can even be sensitive to minimal levels of sun exposure -- so a simple exclusion of normal things can cause harm. Is it bad to be aware of problems caused by wi-fi and cell phones? I'm not sure why people would wish to disregard evidence of problems with much of the modern technologies.

                          There are things like gamma rays that often cause unnoticed cellular damage to us but are not consistent enough to prevent normal healing. Cell phones can cause cancer (maybe mostly among people a bit more susceptible to cancer) in young people; most people won't have tumors so quickly.


                          • #14
                            For goodness sakes! Go take a course on electromagnetism! Yes, a microwave could cook you to death, which is why there are fail safes that keep the microwave from running with the door open. Microwaves are designed to keep the radiation on the inside to cook your food and keep it from cooking you. High amounts of microwave, infrared, and presumably visible light will just cook you. UV radiation gives you sunburns and a potential for skin cancers. X-rays and gamma rays are the ones that can damage DNA inside of you.

                            Last edited by Christianbookworm; 02-20-2019, 10:41 PM.
                            If it weren't for the Resurrection of Jesus, we'd all be in DEEP TROUBLE!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Christianbookworm View Post
                              For goodness sakes! Go take a course on electromagnetism! Yes, a microwave could cook you to death, which is why there are fail safes that keep the microwave from running with the door open. Microwaves are designed to keep the radiation on the inside to cook your food and keep it from cooking you. High amounts of microwave, infrared, and presumably visible light will just cook you. UV radiation gives you sunburns and a potential for skin cancers. X-rays and gamma rays are the ones that can damage DNA inside of you.

                              Remember the disclaimer from the cancer site post:
                              It is not clear at this time that RF waves from cell phones cause harmful health effects in people, but studies now being done should give a clearer picture of the possible health effects in the future. Until then, there are several things that people who are concerned about RF waves can do to limit their exposure.

                              Enjoy life. Take whatever advice you like and disregard whatever precautions you wish to.


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