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Glory Seed Devotional, 2017.12.28

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  • Glory Seed Devotional, 2017.12.28

    Dear Jesus,

    Looking at 2018 our greatest need is to continue to deepen our relationship with you! The circumstances surrounding our life/living are so complex they are overwhelming and there is really no one under the sun able to bring Peace to our troubled world. It can only be done by You.

    Come to us Lord Jesus. In our silent times we think about the New Year with all its possibilities and we feel inadequate so vulnerable. As much as we need your blessings of miracles it is your friendship and companionship we value more for they are like an Oasis in hot and dry desert. Many times, in course of the past year we have asked you to whisk us away yet deep in our heart we know we must not run away from storms but face them head on so please Lord come to us.

    Create in us a new spirit, Lord Jesus. With the New Year will come new challenges so each and every day we0 will need to stand and face them. As we face each of them they will mold us into new persons if we face them alone we will become lonely people, if we face them with resources of this world we will become worldly, if we face them with the resources of your kingdom we will become children of God. Our desire for the New Year is place you in the forefront of our life/living not in prideful way but in humble way so we will see what you are doing for us and in us. Please Lord Jesus please take your rightful place in the forefront of our life/living for all to see that we do not struggle alone or in vain.

    Create in us a new vision. Each person born into the world has been created in the image and likeness of God. When our eyes refuse to acknowledge the kinship of all we meet please remove from our eyes the scales that diffuse the Celestial Light that radiates from each life no matter how dim it has become.

    Lord Jesus no matter how hard we try because we are imperfect it is inevitable will that we will fail you so please forgive our inadequacies and failures. And Lord if this is the year we will be called home prepare us to go willingly not because we want to escape but because we hunger to be with you in a complete and perfect way.


    Grace and PEACE,
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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    Last edited by Crusty Christian; 12-28-2017, 08:24 AM. Reason: Graphic needed to be moved.

  • #2
    Amen Gary!!! Perfect prayer to prepare for the new year!
    3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures --1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (borrowed with gratitude from 37818's sig)


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