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What is Religious Passion?

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  • What is Religious Passion?

    What does it mean to be passionate about Christianity?



    What does a passionate Christian look like? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    Passion is a difficult term to describe. Most of us when we hear of passion think immediately of romantic passion, and yet that is part of the problem of defining it. Watch a TV show or movie and you will think all passion takes place in the bedroom. Well, there's supposed to be a lot of passion there, but ask most any married couple and there will be other places of passion. A wife can fix a great dinner for her husband with passion. A husband can passionately express his love through gifts or writing or music to his wife.

    When it comes to religious passion, we often have some negative ideas about it. We might think of people barking like dogs and calling that the work of the Holy Spirit. Religious passion often seems to be equated with a show. It is a strongly expressed feeling or emotion.

    Well, yeah. It can be. Maybe it isn't just that. Maybe it's something different and maybe it's different from person to person.

    My wife and I were talking about someone we admire very much who gave an excellent testimony at Celebrate Recovery and during the music in the last service talked about how she was dancing in the center aisle and she used to think there was something wrong with people like that. I asked Allie if she could ever see me doing that yesterday. Nope. Not at all.

    Yet she still thinks I'm passionate about Christianity.

    I think many of us know several Christians who we would say are passionate about that, but would not express that passion the same way. Get me together with some of my theological friends and there will be passionate discussion about matters of faith and practice. There won't be dancing going on, but there's a lot of excitement.

    This doesn't mean that we always have a strong feeling about what we are doing, and this is really a good thing. C.S. Lewis said something once similar about being in love. When you fall in love with someone, it is an emotional explosion at first, but if you stayed that way, you would not be able to function. The explosion dies down, but the will can stay there and that should be the strongest. It would be a mistake to coast from that point on after the explosion.

    That passion can still show up momentarily. The great feeling shows up when you actually do the loving things you're supposed to. So it is with religion. When my friends and I get together, I may not be feeling it at the moment, but get some discussion going and before too long, there is passion and excitement once more.

    There is a mistake along those lines that we often make that we often think all genuine action must be backed by genuine feeling. Not at all. What virtue is it to you to act the way you feel? Anyone can do that. We could make a parallel to the words of Christ. You love those who love you? Wow! Aren't you just awesome? If you love those who hate you, that is real love. You love when you feel like loving? Impressive! Your parents must be so proud! When you love when the feeling isn't there and maybe even the opposite one is, that is real love.

    As I told my wife yesterday about this, there have been mornings I have got up and thought the heavens seemed silent and I am angry with my God. What do I do? I go and serve Him anyway. Why? Because it's just the right thing to do and nothing in Christianity says "Do the right thing provided you feel like it."

    "But I feel so fake doing that?" So what. That's again putting the cart before the horse. Is it better to say, "I feel fake doing this so I won't do what is the right thing to do."? If your intention is you want to serve or you want to have a certain mindset, God knows and I believe honors your intention. Do you not feel like reading your Bible or praying but want it to be a priority? Then do it. Many times our feelings don't change until we act. As long as we act the same way, our feelings will continue.

    "But it's just duty then!" And sometimes duty is where you have to begin. For one thing, duty does not mean that you don't like it. For example, a husband in Scripture is required to give his wife her conjugal rights. I am sure so many husbands were saying "Well geez. If I gotta do it, I gotta do it." That's a duty, but it's a wonderful duty to so many of us men.

    We also have to be on guard that passion itself is not a goal. If we are coming to God because we want to feel really good, then we are just using God. Holiness is our real goal. If passion comes with that, great. If not, oh well. We have done the right thing.

    But if you do want some excitement, I do have some recommendations. First, I think you really need to make sure you have some apologetic grounding. Not every Christian is meant to specialize in theology and/or apologetics, but all Christians are called to do those things. You have to do them. You might as well do them well.

    At the same time, those of us more intellectually inclined need to remember that while Scripture says that there is zeal not according to knowledge which is dangerous, there is the reality that knowledge puffs up. We need to study. I think Lewis once spoke of seeing a lady in church and thinking she probably doesn't have a clue about the Nicene Creed, but then realizing that when it comes to holy and devout prayer and living, she has him beat by spades.

    Then just go and do what you are supposed to do. It doesn't matter if you feel like it or not. Do it anyway. Let the actions and will lead the feelings instead of the other way around. Nothing says "Love your neighbor as yourself, provided you feel like it." When our neighbor is being an agreeable person, we are to love them. When they are being a total jerk, we are also called to love them. Don't like that? Keep in mind God's love for you doesn't change when you are a complete jerk, including to him.

    To come back to Lewis again, when you start loving your jerk neighbor, you will notice a strange thing. You start to love him. If you wait until you feel like loving him, you will never do it. If you just do it because it is the right thing, you will eventually have the love for him.

    Passion is good, but it is not to be our foundation. Enjoy emotions when they come, but do not make a steady diet out of them. Instead, shape your will to serve God more and do the right thing regardless of the feeling.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

  • #2
    Emotion is not a reliable guide to belief. If you beliefs are accurate feelings will follow. Feelings are not really testable in terms of accuracy.
    Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


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