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Book Plunge: What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Sex

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  • Book Plunge: What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Sex

    What do men need to learn?



    When I'm reading books that aren't apologetics, I'm usually reading marriage books, and when I'm reading those, it's not a shock as a married guy that sex is one of the favorite topics. When you see the topic of what wives wish their husbands knew, that's even better.

    However, to be fair, I do wish a book with such a title was written by women. I understand that the men all have professional experience as counselors, but still, going to the source is good. Nevertheless, these men want to have a frank talk with us fellow men.

    They also want it to be fully Biblical. At the start they say that if Christians are mean to be exemplars of love, we should be the greatest lover of all. Think about it. When have you heard about women getting together chatting and if one says she's dating a Christian will be told, "You are going to get a great guy. Those guys really love their wives!"

    It doesn't happen often sadly. That's something we Christian husbands need to be aware of. Christian husbands should be seen as the best lovers in the world.

    The authors also point out the problems of the attitudes of Puritanism and pornography. Now I'm skeptical that the take on Puritanism historically is accurate, but let's go with the attitude for now that we all know is being talked about. Puritanism of this sort makes it that we should have no sexual desires and it's something dirty to not be talked about. Pornography does the exact opposite saying that anything sexual is good.

    Both turn us into cowards. As the authors say, puritanism makes a man about as passionate as a wet chihuahua. Pornography makes a man settle for a virtual image instead of going out and getting a real woman.

    The authors also ask us to think about how many times we've heard sermons on sex. Did they focus on the negatives instead of the positives? The only positives I can remember is as a boy hearing someone from Hope Resource Center in Knoxville speaking about sex.

    Sadly, the other main time I remember is being a college student at a Silver Ring Thing service which is like True Love Waits. The associate pastor got up and he started talking about sex. He told the people there that if they gave in before marriage that it would be for selfish reasons. Okay. I can agree with that.

    Then he went on to say "What if you get pregnant? Think about the shame you'll feel. Think about what you'll tell a future spouse. Think about if you get an STD."

    I was sitting back there thinking those were selfish reasons as well.

    And oh yeah, I was getting bored.

    And if you are teaching about sex and you have a college age guy in the audience getting bored, you're doing it wrong.

    The authors also want us to know that men need to be patient. We guys are ready to go from the get go. Usually, if you are a wife and want to get a husband in the mood, just ask him if he'd like to have sex. He'll likely be in the mood already. Women aren't like that, and that's not always a bad thing.

    Guys. If it takes more to get the wives excited, go with it. That's more time you get to spend with her anyway and more time giving her happiness. Isn't her happiness worth it?

    Also, there's a saying I heard years ago that the authors go with though they never say it. Sex begins at breakfast. Cultivate a relationship throughout the day with your wife. Too many guys come home after doing nothing with their wives all day, including sending loving text messages, prop their feet up on the footstool, turn on the remote, ask for dinner, and then expect their wife to be lovey-duvey at the end of the day.

    Guys. Court your wives. Treat her the way you did when you were dating. Yesterday, my wife and I were leaving somewhere and I was getting her in the car and a girl comes out and said, "Awww! He holds open the car door for you."

    Well, of course, I do. Why wouldn't I? That's being a gentleman! I also want Allie and everyone else to know that I'm serious about her. I desire her. Because I'm married doesn't mean that I need to coast.

    And guys, women really struggle with feeling beautiful. Look at all the women that they see in public. Sure they're airbrushed and everything else. It doesn't change things. Women think they need to look like supermodels.

    The authors also stick a lot of times with the Song of Songs. Great place to go to talk about sex. Look at the way the woman speaks in there. She doesn't see a problem with talking about the flesh. Her body is not sinful or dirty. It is to be appreciated and enjoyed. A lot of women sadly think that anything dealing with the body is dirty. Not at all. Your body was designed to be enjoyed and so that you could experience that joy fully.

    And ladies, that's how God designed it. Men have a need to be physically close with their wives. You can be with your husband all day and in the same room and everything else, but without physical contact, you might as well be miles apart. I know many a man who has bemoaned a lack of sex in his marriage. It's a real issue. Without sex, a man does not feel close to his wife.

    At the same time, the authors want to give a caution. Men will not feel like they're in the mood all the time. Sometimes, we do think about other things. (It's rare, but it happens.) Meanwhile, women can actually get in the mood without being warmed up first. It happens. There's nothing wrong with them.

    The writers also talk about a comedian who was mocking monogamy saying monogamy is like having the same box of cereal for breakfast everyday. They give a good jab back in saying that if you are comparing sex to cold cereal, you're doing sex wrong. Monogamy is a wonderful way to experience sex. You get to dive deeper and deeper into that love.

    The authors tells us that if sex is only for your appetite, then you're not going to enjoy it. If it's to get to know a person and come to embrace a person, welcome to Paradise. The best thing about sex really is not that you have sex, but that you get to have it with that person.

    They also say good sex is not about technique really. It's true. Honestly, much of what is needed is simply just active desire for the other person. Ladies. It's okay to be active in the bedroom. If anything, your husband would love it.

    The authors are right that if we could learn more about sex and making it great, how awesome that would be. What would it say if the world knew that if you wanted to learn how to have a great sex life, you go to the Christians? Why shouldn't they anyway? Our God literally created it and He wrote the book on it, the Song of Songs.

    They also encourage men that they need to be men and not Peter Pan. Embrace their manhood, which could include dealing with past father wounds. Do what you can to take care of your body as well. It is the temple you bring to your wife after all.

    Vulnerability is also essential to sex, and the more you're comfortable and willing to be vulnerable, the more you can enjoy it. Trust is huge. Really. Husbands and wives both need to learn that they're accepted just as they are. For my part, it blows my mind that my wife accepts me just as I am. That makes me so happy to be around her. This is the one woman who really accepts me as I am so why not enjoy it?

    There's also a chapter in there for the ladies. What do your husbands wish you knew? One thing is we wish you would just tell us what you want. We can't read minds and we're very slow to pick up cues. Just tell us.

    Also, believe it or not, good husbands spend a lot of time thinking about their wife's happiness. That includes in the bedroom. If we think we're not making you happy there, we see ourselves as failures. If you don't desire us, we see ourselves that way.

    That's why we love it when you initiate. It's not just one-sided. No man wants to be just duty sex in his marriage. He wants you to love not just being a woman, but being his woman. If sex is a delight for you like it is for him, you will have a happy man.

    By the way, try to understand him on this. If you want to understand why your husband looks at your body with such awe, realize God wired him that way. Men have a whole lot more testosterone flowing through their bodies. We will think about sex a whole lot more. We have to control it, but it's not an evil about us really.

    Overall, I think this is a very good book and it's very humorous at times. I do hope men will get this to learn how to be better lovers. Hopefully also, our wives will want to help us in our learning experience.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

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