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My Encouragement To Young Men Concerning Pornography

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  • My Encouragement To Young Men Concerning Pornography

    Why should this danger be avoided?

    The link can be found here.


    Why should a man keep his ways pure? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    Some situations around here have got us thinking about doing some student ministry. If that was done, I have an aim one day of talking to young men, perhaps the ones at our church. These are men who are in middle and high school. I will want to talk to them about apologetics and showing that Christianity is true and that Jesus rose from the dead, but I would also like to talk to them about the temptations they deal with most, namely sex and pornography.

    So what would I say?

    Probably something like this.

    It's good to get to speak to you today. Today I want to talk about the issues of sex and pornography with you. Many of you have come to the realization that the opposite sex is not as bad as some of you thought they were at one time. Quite the contrary, now they seem pretty awesome. I also understand that your minds and bodies are quite excited about them.*

    Contrary to what you might think, I'm not here to give you a list of dont's and negatives. There are some of those to be sure, but I want them to be based on the positives. I have been married for 7 and a half years now. I recognize that this is a great gift. I can tell you that women are much more beautiful than you realize. The good news also is that God made them to be that beautiful. He also wired you to notice that beauty.*

    The danger many of you men will have is that you have a false idea about what it means to be a man. Many of you could think having sex will make you a man or seeing a woman naked will make you a man. None of these are true. You can be a boy and still do these things.*

    Pornography right now will be a great temptation for you. The problem is, pornography is a lie. It is a lie to deceive you into thinking you are a man without the work required of being a man.*

    In the past, a young man would often find magazines somewhere that his father or uncle or older brother had hidden away and would be introduced to the world of pornography. Now it's easier to access it. All it requires is a few clicks on the internet and there you are.

    Guys. Here's the truth. That woman on the other side is airbrushed and photoshopped and edited and everything else. Even worse, she doesn't know you. She doesn't care about you. She's not doing anything because she wants you or desires you. She's a paid actress, but to make it even more real, she could very well be caught in human trafficking.*

    Guys. You're not men by watching a woman take her clothes off. You could just be a pervert. You're in fact cheating yourself and if anything, you're saying you're not really a man. You're not capable of going out and romancing a real woman the more you spend time on fake ones.*

    This also includes what goes on at your school. There's a phenomenon out there known as sexting where a girl at your school will take a revealing picture of herself. Guys. What do you think you're accomplishing by seeing that? Do you want a woman who will just give herself away to anyone else? Do you want a woman who thinks she can only win a man by showing all of her body?

    A real woman guys knows that she is worth everything and that getting to see her body is a privilege. If a girl will show her body to you too easily, how many other guys will she do the same with? Why should you think that you're anything special?

    You see guys, the truth is that waiting really is something special and wonderful. We as Christians encourage that not because we're anti-sex, but because we're very pro-sex. It's wonderful and sacred, but it needs to be guarded fiercely. It is the most intimate connection you can have with another human being.*

    You see, I look out at you and I see men. I want you to be those men that I see. Be those men that say you are capable of going out and winning the heart of a woman. After all, what do you want? Do you want to see a woman's body because you made a few clicks on a mouse? Wow. What a man. How about you get to see a woman's body because she trusts you entirely because you made a lifetime commitment to her?

    Your honeymoon night can be a very special night. Don't spoil it. Save your eyes for that woman who will love you that much. You can either have a woman you don't know who is nowhere near you undress on a screen, or you can have the woman you love do that for you in your presence, or even better let you undress her.*

    If you desire that, that's not wrong. That's how you're made. I'm not telling you your urges and desires are evil. They're not. They just need to be controlled. There is a time and a place for them, but if you want them fulfilled, rise up and be the men that you are meant to be.*

    Once you get that woman also, never stop cherishing her. Treat her like a treasure. I have called my wife Princess from the time we were dating. I still call her Princess. She is my great treasure and I guard her with my life. I appreciate the privilege that I am the man she trusts with her very self and more than any other man out there.*

    Men. Sex is something good and special, but save it for the right place. Pornography will give you the feeling of a man, but it can't make you a man. It makes you less of a man. Having sex before marriage also doesn't make you a man. What will show your manhood very well is to commit yourself to one woman for life and spend the rest of your life treasuring her and being her hero and letting her be the woman that blesses you.

    Keep in mind also guys that sometimes, some men get so caught up in pornography, they can't get aroused by a real woman anymore. Do you want that to be you? Let your eyes be for your future Princess. Let her know that you waited for her because she is totally worth it and you did not take any shortcuts. Until death do you part, you two belong to each other.

    Men. What you want is good and it is something worth waiting for. God isn't opposed to your enjoyment. He wants you to enjoy this gift, but in the way it was meant to be enjoyed. He designed the system and everything. It's all His idea. Trust Him with it. Don't use women. Treasure them. Every woman should be treated with honor in this way, even the women who don't treat themselves with honor.

    There's an old proverb that says he who loves many women has loved none. He who loves one has loved them all. By loving one truly, you honor all of them. Love the woman you have and treasure her. She is God's gift to you. Never take her for granted. Never use her. Always treat her as a person in her own right and enjoy sexual intimacy with her often. You will find it bonds your relationship more and more.

    Remember men, be men. You deserve to be men and you owe it to yourselves to treat women like women.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

  • #2
    I do try to be manly. Though I am not the strongest fellow. For that matter women make me feel foolish.


    • #3
      I honestly just don't get the appeal of pornography. To me it's like staring at a picture of a nice steak dinner you can't eat.
      "I am not angered that the Moral Majority boys campaign against abortion. I am angry when the same men who say, "Save OUR children" bellow "Build more and bigger bombers." That's right! Blast the children in other nations into eternity, or limbless misery as they lay crippled from "OUR" bombers! This does not jell." - Leonard Ravenhill


      • #4
        Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
        I honestly just don't get the appeal of pornography. To me it's like staring at a picture of a nice steak dinner you can't eat.
        If people think they dont have what it takes to get the steak, but know the steak is good they will try to get something close to the steak.

        Most men want to feel manly in some way. Wether they be guys who read a lot, love larp, play rpgs, read philisophy, or do things like woodworking or fixing cars. Seeing women is a chemical cavalcade of happy manly feelings. Whats more i can look for all kinds of steaks easy. It is a pitfall. It hurts to admit you have that problem. You think women will hate you. You think your libido is a mindless entity. You feel like a loser. You think you will die alone, but you dont want to just be some male floozy and possibly a deadbeat dad. So you use the photos. You use it as a mood fix untill one day you learn that it starts with the heart.

        The heart is wicked, but it was not made to be so. You fight against such things and you see that you aren't the loser you thought you were. It makes you look at marriage differently. If you had been through divorce you begin towonder if you are doomed to divorce too. It is mortifying.the idea of rejection is so awful. On top of that many have no idea were to start

        No one wants to feel like a loser. Porn makes you a loser because you never become what you could be.


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