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Christianity Is Not About You

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  • Christianity Is Not About You

    What is the focus of Christianity?

    The link can be found here.


    What is the focus of Christianity? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    In America, we have entered into a very me-centered time and this has entered into our Christianity. Yesterday, I shared a video with a lady talking about the solar eclipse and all her dreams and everything with it. While she is one who is quite exceptional with thinking these dreams are all from God, she's the one speaking out the most about so many people who do XYZ because they think God is telling them to do something or God is leading them to do something without any Biblical mandate on seeing if this is how God communicates.*

    That is a very dangerous place to be because if you think God is telling you something, then you cannot be wrong. How can you listen to possible rebuke and concern? I would hope readers of my blog would recognize I have studied and take what I say seriously by all means, but please do not ever treat me like I cannot be wrong. I most assuredly can be and have been.

    Yesterday, my wife also had someone message her about how they thought God had given them some verses for their ministry. The sad reality was that these verses were all about Jesus, except, well, they got a new referent. It's pretty amazing to see that we can go through the Bible and look for verses that are about us, not in the sense of being a part of the people of God, but that God wrote something for us individually.*

    This could also be contributing to our marriage problems in our culture today. There are sad times when I think a couple should really divorce, such as when a husband is being abusive and won't stop, but even then, divorce should be seen as a sad tragedy. It's a tragedy to think that someone broke a lifelong covenant made before God and man so badly that one person had to leave for their own safety. It's sad to think someone promised sexual fidelity to one person but gave themselves up to another. That's all sad.

    The saddest part is many times, divorce is not often for those reasons. It's more being done because the other person isn't making me happy and doing enough for me. This is a relationship where we are supposed to learn how much we can give for another, and yet we use it just as much to seek our own well-being. Ideally, in marriage, both persons are making sure their spouse's true needs and desires are being met in a proper way. If that is so, then both people will get what they want.*

    Suppose one person isn't doing their part? It's always amazing that we tend to think that means we don't have to do ours. God will not hold you accountable for what someone else did or didn't do. You are held accountable for what you do.*

    The problem with making ourselves so often the focus is that it's really hard to get away from that and everything is interpreted about reality through us. That will also downplay the love of God in us. How could God not love us? I mean, we're just that awesome. Right?

    Scripture tells us the opposite. We were the enemies of God. God doesn't love us just because we're just so awesome, but because He's so awesome. Anyone can love someone who's completely lovable. It's loving someone who is unlovable that is true love, and we are all many times unlovable.*

    We all have our own sins and failures. Last night, my wife and I were talking with someone about marriage. One thing I brought up was that my wife and I each have things about each other that we wish the other would work on. I said that if we got these worked out completely and they never came up again, does that mean we'd have a perfect marriage? No. There will always be a new issue. We are all fallen human beings and we will not achieve perfection in this life.

    If anything, this should humble us. That means we will always need grace. There will never be a time that we don't need God. There will never be a time when we earn love and grace. It will always be a gift.

    One of the most humbling things I've come to realize is that. Aside from what He promised He would do for me in the covenant, God doesn't owe me anything. If He doesn't owe me anything, then everything else He gives me is a gift. My spouse is a gift. My income is a gift. My talents and abilities are a gift. The land I live in is a gift. My friends are a gift. My very life and breath is a gift.

    Wouldn't the great tragedy be if I wasn't thankful for these things? Romans 1 tells us this actually. One of the great sins of mankind is that they did not give thanks to God. They acted like it was something they were, dare I say it, entitled to.*

    If you are doing a ministry, and much more of it is about you than it is about Jesus, you're not doing it right. Those of us who are in ministry need to realize that we are not essential. God can get His word out without us and if something happens to us, God's ministry will still get along just fine. We are not the focal point of the universe.*

    Live your life then dying to yourself and giving of yourself to those around you. We are all tempted to look out for ourselves, but in the way of the cross that cannot be done. Had Jesus taken that route, you and I would have no hope. We are to continue the ministry of Jesus who gave Himself for the world so that they could come to know God. We must give ourselves to those around us as well.

    It's about Him. It's not about you.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

  • #2
    Nick, it's true. Every blessing we have in our lives is a gift from God. In my life, that realization helps me resist saying no to God's commands.
    3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures --1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (borrowed with gratitude from 37818's sig)


    • #3
      Christianity Is Not About You too!

      Not really.

      Someone had to do it.
      "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

      "Forgiveness is the way of love." Gary Chapman

      My Personal Blog

      My Novella blog (Current Novella Begins on 7/25/14)

      Quill Sword


      • #4
        This is what came to mind when I saw the thread title.

        Christ died for YOUR sin.
        Christ died to save YOU.
        In order to be saved, YOU need to repent of YOUR sin and YOU need to acknowledge Jesus Christ as YOUR Lord.

        (I more or less agree with the thrust of the article itself, mind you.)
        Veritas vos Liberabit<>< Learn Greek <>< Look here for an Orthodox Church in America<><Ancient Faith Radio
        I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


        • #5
          Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
          This is what came to mind when I saw the thread title.

          Christ died for YOUR sin.
          Christ died to save YOU.
          In order to be saved, YOU need to repent of YOUR sin and YOU need to acknowledge Jesus Christ as YOUR Lord.

          (I more or less agree with the thrust of the article itself, mind you.)
          And in reality, all of that should lead to humility and awe of God.

          Maybe that it doesn't points to a problem.


          • #6
            Isn't it in the title of Christianity that it's about Christ(Jesus!)?
            If it weren't for the Resurrection of Jesus, we'd all be in DEEP TROUBLE!


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