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5 Reasons Christians Should Celebrate Sex

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  • 5 Reasons Christians Should Celebrate Sex

    Do we often give the wrong message on sex?

    The link can be found here.


    Do we have a gift from God worth celebrating? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    Recently, my friend Sean McDowell wrote an excellent article on why our culture is so obsessed with sex. I have no dispute with it, but at the same time I thought it needed a contrast. After all, Chesterton said long ago that when a man knocks on the door of a brothel, he's looking for God. The search for sex is often a search for transcendence. It's amazing that in all the things we have made for pleasure since the dawn of civilization, that somehow God's creation of sex is still our great obsession. We just can't seem to beat that.

    When we come to sex, there is a sense in which we are drawn out of ourselves. The most rational among us can become creatures of strong passion at that moment. Many men are willing to do most anything for sex. We could condemn this, or we could see it as a clue to reality.*

    Christians have a tendency to move in the opposite direction always of society and especially with sex. We're the ones who often treat it as shameful and dirty. It's instead sacred and beautiful. This is something God made. Let's treat it that way. Thus, I have in contrast five reasons why we should celebrate sex.

    #1, We should celebrate sex because we honor God.

    Sex isn't like a video game or a TV show we made up. It's something that God created. It was His idea. He put all the joy into it for us. He designed it to be pleasurable. He designed it to unify a husband and wife in matrimony. Of course, He put barriers around it, but He did it not because it is dirty, but because it is sacred. If you have something like a safety-deposit box, you don't put junk in it. You put valuables in it you want to keep safe. I often say sex is like nuclear energy. It works great if you handle it the right way and has wonderful effects. It's powerfully explosive if you use it in the wrong way and has devastating effects.

    God is not anti-sex. There's a whole book of the Bible celebrating it, the Song of Songs. Christians don't need to be either. We need to show the world that we are the ones who are doing it, pardon the pun, right. You won't find joy in sex in just random encounters. The best way to find that joy is in a covenant relationship where the love grows and grows and grows.*

    #2. We believe in Immortality.

    We believe that the body is a good thing. We believe that it is such a good thing, that God made it to last forever. God is going to recreate our bodies. We are not Gnostics. Our bodies are not shameful. They are gifts. They are temples. We need to treat them properly.

    Thus, we have no need to exclude ourselves from the joys of the body necessarily. We can in the sense of a sacrifice, but not because we think they are wrong. I have a lifelong vow about drinking alcohol. I do not think it is wrong. If you drink a beer or wine in front of me, I do not think you are doing anything wrong. Of course, alcohol can be misused and abused and that is wrong, but it is no sin to drink and control your drinking. If you abstain from sex for reasons of focus and such, go ahead, but don't look down on those who marry. After all, Paul said it is better to marry than to burn.*

    If we are going to be in our bodies forever, why not celebrate and rejoice in them? Sex is one way we do that. We honor the person with their bodies and soul. Some marriage traditions in other cultures have marriage vows that say "With my body, I thee worship." The giving of the body is the giving of something sacred, and that sacredness of the body extends into eternity.

    #3. Our culture believes in the sacredness of sex.

    This goes with the others. Sex is not just a pastime that we do together like playing video games, watching a movie, going to a concert, or playing a sport. We know this because many people will see something greater in having sex with someone else instead of going to the movies with someone else. Something about sex seems different. Sex does change everything in a relationship and even for couples who aren't married, the idea is still that sex with anyone else is cheating.

    Sex is holy and good because God made it for us. He wanted us to enjoy it. As I said, we have a whole book of the Bible for this. This is a lesson especially women need to hear. Too many women grow up being told that sex is just for men. It's not. Bluntly speaking, God gave women a clitoris and as far as I know, the only purpose of this is so that you can enjoy sex.*

    Instead, we often say women are pure and pristine creatures who will never think about sex, and guys are these dirty ravenous animals who only think about sex and are just a big bundle of hormones. Both of us have hormones. Both of us have desires. We may experience them in different ways and to different degrees, but they are there. They are not shameful. Like any desire, they must be controlled and used at the proper time, but there is no sin in enjoying sex.

    #4. We are made in the image of God.

    One of the fascinating things that is said in the Bible right after man and woman are made in the image of God is to go forth and fill the Earth. Be fruitful and multiply. In other words, for us at the beginning, sex was part of the divine mandate. (Doesn't that sound like a great job guys? God commands us to have sex, not like we really need the motivation.)

    Of course, couples decide when they want to have children, but we are not opposed to them. This is one way we in fact spread the Kingdom. It's no secret that one of the reasons Islam grows is fertility rates. The same can happen with Christianity.*

    Since we are in the image of God, we can celebrate that part of that is that we are to fill the Earth and subdue it. Naturally, this doesn't mean everyone does it. Someone who doesn't marry is not being disobedient to God, but humanity as a whole is supposed to do this.

    #5. Because we love pleasure.

    Yes. Christians are to love pleasure. There is nothing wrong with fun. Fun is God's idea. We often picture holiness as something boring. Do we want to say that God is boring? God who created a world of variety and wonder is boring? Perish the thought!

    I've been a gamer all my life. I remember back when the Super Nintendo was coming out, that the ads said it would have 32,000 colors. That's quite a lot, and all of them are a gift from God. God did not make a world of black and white. God made us to need food. He did not have to make it taste good. He made us to need drink. He did not need to make it refreshing. He made us to reproduce. He did not need to make it an awesome time.

    Sex is not just something we do for fun. It's something we do also to unify a commitment between husband and wife. Can I stress this to you wives especially? You can do EVERYTHING ELSE in the world for your husbands, but if you neglect this area, it won't matter. This is the area that for your man will scream love the loudest. This is the area where you can highly highly empower your husband. In fact, Scripture commands husbands to delight in and find joy in their wives. It's hard for them to do this if their wives say no. It's also to be remembered that this goes both ways. We are not to withhold our bodies from one another. There's an old joke where a man says he's been given many reasons by his wife to not have sex. Prayer and fasting have never been one of them.

    Sex is fun. It is sacred. It is good. It is a gift from God. It is a shame that our culture acts like they are the ones that know how to have a good time. Every act of sex should be a sacred act. It is ideally a mutual giving between a man and a woman in a covenant who give freely of themselves and hold nothing back from the other. Both should treat one another as sacred beings in the image of God.

    I look forward to a day when our culture turns to us on the issue of sex. I hope we do not turn and run from the topic. Sex is God's idea. It is not the enemy. It is the gift.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

  • #2
    I know it's worth celebrating. That is part of why temptation in this field feels like your mind is fighting itself.


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