

Deeper Waters Forum Guidelines

Notice The ministries featured in this section of TheologyWeb are guests of this site and in some cases not bargaining for the rough and tumble world of debate forums, though sometimes they are. Additionally, this area is frequented and highlighted for guests who also very often are not acclimated to debate fora. As such, the rules of conduct here will be more strict than in the general forum. This will be something within the discretion of the Moderators and the Ministry Representative, but we simply ask that you conduct yourselves in a manner considerate of the fact that these ministries are our invited guests. You can always feel free to start a related thread in general forum without such extra restrictions. Thank you.

Deeper Waters is founded on the belief that the Christian community has long been in the shallow end of Christianity while there are treasures of the deep waiting to be discovered. Too many in the shallow end are not prepared when they go out beyond those waters and are quickly devoured by sharks. We wish to aid Christians to equip them to navigate the deeper waters of the ocean of truth and come up with treasure in the end.

We also wish to give special aid to those often neglected, that is, the disabled community. This is especially so since our founders are both on the autism spectrum and have a special desire to reach those on that spectrum. While they are a special emphasis, we seek to help others with any disability realize that God can use them and that they are as the Psalmist says, fearfully and wonderfully made.

General TheologyWeb forum rules: here.
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    This is for informational purposes really. Give me some feedback.

    The link can be found here.


    What can we do here? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    In this post, I just really want to get some feedback from you all. You see, we have a new website address if you haven't noticed. Have you been going to Look up at this page now. It's listed as I'm quite pleased with the website, but at the same time, I do want to have more than just a blog page.

    So now I turn it over to you. I really want to hear from you as much as I can. If you like this page, and I hope you do, what do you want to see? I will give some suggestions as well so you can see if you like them and I'll see how many of them my webmaster can do.

    If you follow me on Facebook, many of you have said you like my marriage posts that I make every morning except for Sunday. I have been told I need to start a site for those. I would prefer to just set up a separate page on here for those. They could be marriage minutes as it were that can be referenced and discussed. I happen to think that good marriage is essential to good apologetics today.

    I would also like to get a better indexing system in somehow rather than just the regular search engine. If you want to look up a post about Richard Carrier, just go to a C area and look for Carrier. If you want to see a book, just go to a book section and see if I've responded to it.

    I would have no complaints if a forum got started for discussing views as well. Keep in mind I don't know how much of this is really feasible or not. In all honestly, many times I do not get notified about your comments so sometimes they slip through. I do not really mean this and I am not sure how to fix it. Someone else really handles all of those kinds of issues for my page.

    Having said all that, I throw it out to you. What do you like when you come here? What do you not like? If you are a regular reader, what keeps you coming back for more? Have you ever thought "I really like to see what he says, but I would like it more if X were the case."? If so, now is the time to let me know about it.

    What about the podcast and our YouTube channel? Do you like the way that those are going? Yes. I do realize we need to update the feed some. That is still being worked on, but overall, are you pleased with the episodes that we have and with the people that are brought on? Do you find it beneficial and is there anything that could be done to make it more beneficial?

    I leave this all up to you. I'm talking with my webmaster about what we can do with the site. I would like to hear your honest feedback as well and I will take all ideas into consideration. Please let me know.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

  • #2
    Me! Me!

    Sometimes, when studying for a topic I know you've covered, I just use Search and go through the resulting posts. Understandably, it sometimes happens that one is only a mild reference, the other a deeper treatment, the other a repetition and application of the points in previous posts, etc.

    So maybe it would be fun to have proper articles about subjects of interest to you, perhaps compiled from what you've written in your previous posts... unless that simply isn't the style you're after. Maybe that would be too much like other apologetics ministries and it's not what you intend to do.

    Just a thought :-)
    We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore on Christ's behalf: 'Be reconciled to God!!'
    - 2 Corinthians 5:20.
    In deviantArt:
    Christian art and more:


    • #3
      I like your book reviews.
      Your youtube channel is ok but I cant find a lot of your older podcast.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bisto View Post
        Me! Me!

        Sometimes, when studying for a topic I know you've covered, I just use Search and go through the resulting posts. Understandably, it sometimes happens that one is only a mild reference, the other a deeper treatment, the other a repetition and application of the points in previous posts, etc.

        So maybe it would be fun to have proper articles about subjects of interest to you, perhaps compiled from what you've written in your previous posts... unless that simply isn't the style you're after. Maybe that would be too much like other apologetics ministries and it's not what you intend to do.

        Just a thought :-)
        Yes. That's one advantage I would like to add, kind of like JPH's site. Perhaps an alphabetical listing.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TheWall View Post
          I like your book reviews.
          Your youtube channel is ok but I cant find a lot of your older podcast.
          How far back are you talking?


          • #6
            I cant really find things from a few weeks back or so. I suppose thats natural.


            • #7
              Maybe you need to hit the videos button or one that says show all?


              • #8
                Needs more interpretive dance. I trust you'll get on that quickly.
                "The Jesus Christ who saves sinners is the same Christ who beckons his followers to serious use of their minds for serious explorations of the world." - Mark Noll

                "It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading." - John Wesley

                "Wherever men are still theological, there is still some chance of their being logical." - G. K. Chesterton


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Apologiaphoenix View Post
                  Maybe you need to hit the videos button or one that says show all?
                  He can also sort by oldest to newest rather than newest to oldest. That should give him a better idea of how many videos are actually there.


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