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Pokemon Go and Evangelism

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  • Pokemon Go and Evangelism

    Can you use a modern game to do evangelism?

    The link can be found here.


    How will you handle kids coming to church? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    I happen to be an apologist as readers know, but I also enjoy playing Pokemon. My wife and I are eagerly looking forward to Sun and Moon coming out in November. Not only that, we've found some of our neighbors are also devout Christians and play the game. Unfortunately, they're also moving away soon, but we've enjoyed their company for now.

    Recently, a new version came out for smart phones called Pokemon Go. This would have been every child's dream when Pokemon came out years ago. It's going out into the world and catching Pokemon on an electronic device. What on Earth does this have to do with evangelism?

    It has a number of things to do with it. First off, in order to get supplies and a few extra experience points, players have to stop at places called Pokestops. These are well-known locations like libraries and post offices and other landmarks in a town. Oh! Practically every church you come across will also be a Pokestop and you have to get right up next to it in order to get the bonus. Not only that, if you wait just a few minutes, you can get that bonus again.

    Second, there are also gyms you can battle at. These are also located at landmarks including, yep, some of the churches. Not every church has a gym, but some do, and players from each of the three teams in the game seek to come and take control of the gyms and that will mean that they are indeed coming to the churches.

    To see how this all works, my neighbor and I decided we would go out into town. My wife came along as his wife was working and we went all over town stopping at Pokestops and battling gyms. On the way, we had a number of good conversations and fun times together.

    In fact, this Saturday before the podcast, my wife and I are thinking of going out to a park nearby for a Pokemon Go event. Yes. You're going to have players coming from the Atlanta area all to a park where we will meet each other and interact playing a game. We will be out around noon in warm weather at a park as will many others.

    You know parents how you've been wanting a reason for your children to get outside? It has come. In fact, your younger children who can't drive will need you. Take this chance to spend time with your children!

    Still, I mainly want to write about churches. What I recommend you do is have someone from your church download the game and look and see. Is your church a Pokestop? If it is, take advantage of this situation. I would like to emphasize some thought over at The Wardrobe Door and some I've thought of on my own.

    First off, if you have someone at your church who knows Pokemon well, put them to use! Get them out there and have them meeting people that come by. If you want to, set up something outside your church during the week that will indicate your church is a Pokestop and welcome kids to your church.

    This could include having bottles of water or small snacks that you can give out to the children. Let them know what kind of church your place is and that will make an impression on the parents. Let them come in and enjoy wi-fi and air conditioning and this can be a good chance to talk to the parents.

    Second, allow people to have their events at your church. Host a Pokemon Go event at your church on the weekdays and have kids from all over come by. If you do this, don't make it a trap by having a sermon preached. Instead, let them come and just enjoy themselves. Try to focus on the parents as well if they stay. If not, let the kids from your church be there who are playing and have them form the friendships that can get the children in the door.

    Third, host other kinds of events. Have a tournament around the card games. Have a tournament around the regular games. Be the church that when Sun and Moon comes out, you will be ready.

    Fourth, try having some giveaways. Some churches are doing this and you could let people fill out an entry form once a day when they come by for a Pokestop and let them have a chance to win a prize. It doesn't have to be a big one, but feeling like they won something for going by the church can be an incentive.

    In fact, if you want to know if people are coming to the church, just look at some of the material already put out. (

    Not all of these I shared due to language on some, but pay attention. You have people who even can't stand religion going to a church to collect Pokeballs. If you have an apologist at your church, now is a time to use them when they show up. This will especially also help show your church that Christians don't cut themselves off from everything. The Gospel is not opposed to fun after all.

    I can already anticipate some objections. Some of you will be saying that we don't need this to do evangelism. That's true. We don't, but you know what? We have it. Why not take advantage of it? Why not use it? If this is a way that we can get to spread the Gospel to people who are coming to our church, why not go ahead and do that?

    I also hear it being said that the message should be enough to draw people to the church. Yeah. Keep that up. How's that been working for you? It will be a draw if you're dealing with people who are Christians who already love the message. You're not. What you're dealing with are people who are lost many times and now have a reason to go to church.

    Consider raising children. Parents want to raise their children to eat well and study in school. It should be that being healthy and having a successful career is enough of a draw, but it isn't. Usually, we'll give incentives and punishments to help children do these tasks until they come to appreciate them on their own. Wait until your children value health or a successful career on their own and you'll be waiting awhile. Give them incentive and they'll start doing it.

    Some have also complained about dangers of Pokemon Go, such as there are some people hijacking it to rob victims. Yes. Believe it or not, technology can be misused. By that standard, that Bible you have at your church is misused by the cults, so you'd better not use it. Some people are misusing Pokemon Go. You can be the church that uses it well.

    Some people are concerned that you will draw them in and then use bait and switch with the Gospel. I have a problem when it comes to many Christian movies in that they think they have to shove the Gospel explicitly down your throats. They don't. Those of you who care about friendship evangelism should like this idea. Get to know the people as people who come by and give them time. Do encourage them and if you see an opportunity, you can talk about it, but I wouldn't be confrontational in this case. Just be there and if they have questions, answer them. Let your church be the church that everyone in town is talking about.

    Speaking of talking about it, what makes me think this will happen. Look at the above tweets. When was the last time you had people tweeting so much about going to church who likely are not Christians? You want to pass up this opportunity?

    Also along those lines, please don't come up with cheesy catch phrase about Pokemon and turn it into Jesus and please don't try to come up with a Christian version of the game that you can play. Just use the game as it is because when Christians try to copy things like this, they end up for the most part just looking ridiculous. That turns people away.

    Some people think that Pokemon Go is being used as a lure in this case. The point is that Pokemon Go is already a lure. The people are already coming and they can't just drive by at 45 MPH and get the bonuses. They have to make a deliberate stop. If they're there, talk to them. Take advantage of it.

    There are many people talking about so many events in the world that are important. We are talking about the Dallas shooting and we are talking about the Presidential election, but many of us are talking about Pokemon Go. That last one can greatly be used by evangelism. Take advantage of the opportunity. We finally have people we want to reach coming to church. I can only imagine what the Apostle Paul would do if he found a way to get people to come to church of their own accord. What would he do once they got there?

    Also, your young people who don't think they contribute to the church sometimes? They can have a sense of contribution just by playing a game and just by hanging out with others playing a game. Give them an idea that they are significant. Let them help out. You can have it that the kids talk to the kids while the parents talk to the parents. Use this opportunity to tell them about your church and then when in the church, tell them about Jesus.

    As for me and my wife, we're going to be enjoying our game, but I certainly hope churches use this opportunity. You have children coming to your door. Are you going to drive them away, or are you going to be there waiting for them in preparation for getting them there on Sunday morning to give them the Gospel?

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

  • #2
    This game reminds me of an agricultural survey I started working on last year where a computer picks random points in the state, and we have to go to that point and see what's there, and find out what sort of history it has in terms of agricultural use.

    The results can be outright ridiculous. Last year I had:

    * Several points inside state parks
    * A point just on the shoulder of a toll parkway
    * A point next to someone's backyard shed that was just a clump of weeds
    * A point out in the middle of a swamp, that was on property bought in the 1960s by someone in New York who was expecting to build a house there as part of a project to house NASA employees, which never came to fruition

    Maybe this year we'll find Pokemon at these points instead.


    • #3
      This one isn't random. In fact, here in Atlanta, we have a history with the poultry industry so there are giant painted egg statues all over town that were done to commemorate that. Practically everyone is a Pokestop with a picture of it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Apologiaphoenix View Post
        This one isn't random. In fact, here in Atlanta, we have a history with the poultry industry so there are giant painted egg statues all over town that were done to commemorate that. Practically everyone is a Pokestop with a picture of it.
        Don't forget the iconic "Big Chicken" in Marietta (just north of Atlanta).


        Rumor has it that she's the source of many of those eggs

        Btw, none of your images in the OP seem to work for me.

        I'm always still in trouble again

        "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
        "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
        "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


        • #5
          Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
          Don't forget the iconic "Big Chicken" in Marietta (just north of Atlanta).


          Rumor has it that she's the source of many of those eggs

          Btw, none of your images in the OP seem to work for me.
          I had forgotten that you're in Atlanta. Perhaps we should get together sometime.

          I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that place is a Pokestop.


          • #6
            Hi AP. I warned my kids to be careful outside with this game as there are real dangers as I posted on another thread. However, in reading this I started imagining my teens in our church basement for some Pokemon Go event with other teens in our area. I imagined a crowd enjoying food, laughter and I saw myself watching out for awkward moments I needed to save and make a beeline for. In my head it started sounded great even though I don't know how to start an 'event' because I know nothing of the game. Aside from that it will not be only youth but in my vision I saw a few scary looking adults entering the basement. I can't be afraid to be honest here, i live in NY and it's middle name is 'scary adult'.

            I'm trying to understand what the point is in having them go to a church versus going to the YMCA gym. Are we just showing them we're hip and they can feel safe showing up as a stepping stone to maybe showing up later for other reasons? Or are we going for that sense they get the moment they see the church on their screen, that feeling, that pause, the one they likely will never share on social media because it's too personal. Maybe i didn't explain that well. Ofcourse I'll be called crazy but isn't raffling to win a prize gambling, aka like bingo, aka like turning the house of my Lord into a den of thieves? I am smiling to myself as I wrote that but i'm serious with the question. Gotta ask if it's on my mind, how else should i learn the two should not be compared.


            • #7
              Hi Princesa.

              You have them go to a church because the church is a Pokestop. If the YMCA is a Pokestop, feel free to have them go there, but at a Pokestop they can renew items, such as getting the Pokeballs they need to catch Pokemon. Once you collect, it takes about five minutes before you can collect again, so it makes it a sort of renewable process over and over. Kids come, collect the Pokeballs, wait a bit, collect again, wait a bit, collect again. If they leave with an abundance, all the better.

              By all means, kids need to be careful. This is then a great time for parents to bond with their children. Drive around town with them and then in the middle of Pokestops, you can talk to them about whatever. Don't make them all critical conversations about highly important things. Just let them be fun. When the time comes for critical conversations, your children will come to you.

              Don't know how to host an event? Talk to a pastor at the church. Better yet, talk to area kids in the neighborhood. In Atlanta, there is a Pokemon Go Facebook group. See if there's one in NY and see what can be done there.

              The question isn't are the kids going to go to the church now? Reality is they already are to collect bonuses. The question is "Are you going to do anything with them when they get there?"


              • #8
                I just read the bottom part of your original post and I understand now. for some reason i didn't see the last few paragraphs before
                Last edited by princesa; 07-13-2016, 01:56 PM.


                • #9
                  We should because the children are already going there. You don't contact the app makers and say "Make my place a Pokestop." Many churches are probably unaware they're a Pokestop. The thing is the kids are already coming. What are you going to do with the ones that are coming? Have them come and think nothing of them and not take advantage of it? Or, are you going to be there, welcome them, celebrate them, and give them a possible church they can call home sometime? Could it be the church could actually be a good place for children to gather?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Apologiaphoenix View Post
                    We should because the children are already going there. You don't contact the app makers and say "Make my place a Pokestop." Many churches are probably unaware they're a Pokestop. The thing is the kids are already coming. What are you going to do with the ones that are coming? Have them come and think nothing of them and not take advantage of it? Or, are you going to be there, welcome them, celebrate them, and give them a possible church they can call home sometime? Could it be the church could actually be a good place for children to gather?
                    Can someone create a Pokestop? That's along the lines of how I figured to gather the crowd by giving a time and place. The church has functions scheduled and we can't just sort of be there 'whenever'. How will I know when they're coming?


                    • #11
                      No. You can't create one, but if you have someone at the church office, they can be on the lookout.


                      • #12
                        I see, ok.


                        • #13
                          I forgot that last night the local news had a story on this. Some local guy's property had a bunch of Pokestops in it, and people were climbing over and under, or cutting through, his fence to get to them. And it was a fence with barbed wire along the top. There could end up being some liability issues coming of this game.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jpholding View Post
                            I forgot that last night the local news had a story on this. Some local guy's property had a bunch of Pokestops in it, and people were climbing over and under, or cutting through, his fence to get to them. And it was a fence with barbed wire along the top. There could end up being some liability issues coming of this game.
                            I was kinda thinking similar thoughts. This game is a disaster waiting to happen. Kids don't pay attention, they will wander down dark alleys or bad parts of town or out in the woods looking for pokemon, and get hurt, lost, or worse. It is a matter of time till some kidnapper or pedophile sets up shop near some remote pokestop and wait for some kid to wander by, or something like that.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jpholding View Post
                              I forgot that last night the local news had a story on this. Some local guy's property had a bunch of Pokestops in it, and people were climbing over and under, or cutting through, his fence to get to them. And it was a fence with barbed wire along the top. There could end up being some liability issues coming of this game.
                              There could be, but that's not the fault of the game really. That's the fault of stupid people.


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