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What Should Christians Do In Light of Cruz Dropping Out

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  • What Should Christians Do In Light of Cruz Dropping Out

    Should Christians be downcast?

    The link can be found here.

    The text is as follows:

    What is the call of the church? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    I was pretty shocked when I heard the news last night that Cruz had dropped out of the race. Frankly, I hadn't been too enthused about many of the candidates at all. Still, I did think Cruz was our best shot. As I say that, I know that there are many Christians who do support Trump and if you are one of those, this is still relevant to you.

    Many of you were Cruz supporters. You were downcast and saddened last night. After all, we've gone through a hard eight years in this country. We don't want more of the same. Many of us have been discouraged by the decisions of the Supreme Court as well.

    In some ways, if you're shocked, it will take some time to get used to. Our minds tend to jump to panic. I'd like to see I was a paragon of virtue in this. I'd like to, but I'd be lying. I didn't rest well last night. I do get concerned about America, so what I say to you, I say to me as well.

    I was talking with someone last month at a restaurant and he asked me about our country. I gave the same answer I always give. How do we turn our country around? The church has to be the church. We unfortunately have not been being the church.

    We have become so individualized we do not think beyond ourselves. I find this best modeled in the lady I heard in a small group once say that she's saved and her children are saved so she's just going to wait for Jesus to come. What a horrible attitude! What about your neighbor's children? If your children go off to college, will they remain Christians?

    When we become the church, we will be living as Jesus lived. We will give as He gave. We will sacrifice as He sacrificed. We will care about the things that He cared about, and there are many areas I have to improve on that personally. A pastor at our church gave a sermon on prayer lately that showed me that yes, I have a long way to go. We all have many such areas.

    Bart Ehrman actually gives an interesting example of this. He'll give a talk to his incoming students in his classroom. Keep in mind, this is an agnostic saying this. These classes will have about 400 people in them. He'll ask how many of them agree with the proposition that the Bible is the Word of God. WHOOSH! Nearly every hand goes up. Then he'll ask "How many of you have read The Da Vinci Code (Or whatever the book of the day is. I've heard Harry Potter used for instance). WHOOSH! Nearly every hand goes up. "And how many of you have read the Bible from beginning to end?" A few scattered hands go up. Ehrman points out that he can understand wanting to read a great novel, but by their own admission, these students have just said the Bible is the Word of God and they don't seem to care to read what He has to say. How many of us are much better?

    As I went to bed last night thinking about the church being the church, I thought that it's a shame we put our hope in politics so much. Of course, it's not that politics is unimportant. We should care about politics. It's that we already have a savior. We already have a Lord and Master. We dare not say "If our political candidate does not get elected, then all hope is lost!" No. The world will still go on. The Gospel will remain unchanged. Let's list some facts we believe as Christians.

    Fact: Jesus Christ is the risen Lord of the universe.

    Fact: God is enthroned in the Heavens and laughs at attempts to usurp His power.

    Fact: We have the Great Commission to do.

    Let's keep these in mind. Christ originally gave the Great Commission to His followers and you know what? They didn't have the internet. They didn't have cars and planes that could travel the Roman Empire. They didn't have the best education. (In fact, the most educated among them could have been Matthew the tax collector who would have worked WITH the government as a tax collector) They were fishermen and they were told to go into all nations and make disciples.

    All nations would include Rome.

    You know, Rome, that empire that ruled the world. That empire that came to persecute Christians. That empire that demolished every attack against them. They were to give the most bizarre message that would have been given and they would have done so without being able to look back on past generations of Christians who had done the same. They didn't even have a New Testament to preach from!

    Of course, the scholar Paul joined the party later on and he did a great work, but he did it without all that we have today. He had to be the original pioneer in many ways. Can you imagine what Paul would do if he had the resources that we had today? Paul had no hesitancy in going to Rome even though he knew he was going to die.

    We act like all hope is lost meanwhile based on an election that hasn't even happened yet in a country where we are not yet fearing for our lives.

    You see, it doesn't matter if Trump or Hilary or Sanders gets elected or if Cruz or Rubio or anyone else had got elected. Our mandate is the same if Ronald Reagan is in office or if Barack Obama is in office. Our command is to be the church. We are to do the Great Commission. Our marching orders haven't changed and maybe we panic because we have put our hope in government.

    Unfortunately, we're also great hypocrites with this in a lot of ways. When we talk about bathrooms, we say that people are not of the opposite sex just because they feel like they're a woman in a man's body or vice-versa. I agree. We dare not give authority to our feelings to tell us who we are. We look at Mormons and say the burning in the bosom is not the testimony of the Holy Spirit, and I agree. Then after all that, we look and say "Well I don't feel like we can do anything and our country is doomed."

    Your feelings and mine do not overpower Scripture. You can have those feelings, and it's likely you will, but we must work to overcome them. We do not determine the truth of God by how we feel and if we start doing that, then we are placing our feelings over Scripture. If you have a feeling that disagrees with Scripture, well so much for your feelings. They're simply wrong. This is why we also need to preach the Gospel to one another and remind ourselves of the truth.

    I also thought last night of how Jesus said that in this world we would have troubles in John 16:33, but He has overcome the world. Note that. He has overcome it. It's not a future thing. It's a done deal. We don't see all the results of it, but Jesus has overcome. Ultimately, we're on the winning side.

    We've had a lot go wrong in our country, but perhaps things aren't gloom and doom as much as we think. Years ago the Supreme Court defended abortion. Today, you'd find that more and more people are turning against abortion. I suspect the same thing will happen with their recent ruling on homosexuality and marriage. If our case is right, and I am sure it is, then we need not live in fear. A worldview like this can't live for long. It will self-destruct. Some of us think we're seeing this start in the whole transgender issue.

    In fact, let's look at the homosexual community. They make up a small portion of our population and yet, when they made a plan and acted on it and charged forward in the face of opposition and fear, look at what they accomplished. Now we claim that we have the God of the universe on our side and what are we doing in response? We are a far larger portion of the population than they are. The truth is the homosexual movement is doing more for their behavior than we are for Jesus Christ.

    So what am I going to do?

    I'm going to keep doing my blog.

    I'm going to keep doing the podcast.

    I'm going to keep doing apologetics the way I'm supposed to.

    I'm going to keep doing the Great Commission.

    I'm going to continue to love the wife God gave me.

    I'm going to continue to strive to walk as Jesus walked.

    And you know what, I'm going to do that regardless of who gets elected? I would do that if Cruz got elected. I will do it if Trump or Clinton or Sanders gets elected. I would do it if somehow Obama got a third term. I would do it if somehow Reagan came back from the dead and got elected again.

    By all means, vote and be active, but don't put all your eggs in the political basket. If you think things are going to be harder, well that just means we have more of a challenge. It doesn't mean we have a big game over.

    My wife and I like to watch The Flash for instance. Now if you have seen recent episodes, and we haven't seen last night's yet, we saw where the Flash lost all of his speed and it went to the villain speedster recently. My wife and I did not turn off the TV then and say "Well that was a good series. Looks like it's all hopeless for him now." No. Instead we look and say "Dang. I don't know how he's going to get out of this one, but he's going to find a way and he will defeat the villain in the end." Why? Because we know that's how these stories work. The authors do not write stories where the good guys lose like that. We don't have to know how the author will pull it off. We just know that he will.

    The author of this story is God. He's the one in charge. If I can have trust that the writer of a TV show will bring about a good ending, can I not do the same with the greatest author of all? He's in charge. Life is still an adventure. There will always be challenges regardless of who is in the White House, but we can still do great things if we're willing to just get up and do them.

    Your marching orders are still the same. Be the church. If you want to see the change, be the change. You will either be part of evangelism or a hindrance to evangelism.

    I plan to be a part of it. How about you?

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

  • #2
    The crop of candidates this year was abysmal no matter what party it was and no matter how you slice it. Had I my druthers Kasich would have been the one selected from this crop as best of the worst. I find Trump and Cruz to be equally abominable, though for different reasons.

    It's because we've put our hope in politics that we've ended up with such abominable choices. The GOP apparently thinks that they can take the evangelical vote for granted, and they're right.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jpholding View Post
      The crop of candidates this year was abysmal no matter what party it was and no matter how you slice it. Had I my druthers Kasich would have been the one selected from this crop as best of the worst. I find Trump and Cruz to be equally abominable, though for different reasons.

      It's because we've put our hope in politics that we've ended up with such abominable choices. The GOP apparently thinks that they can take the evangelical vote for granted, and they're right.
      I completely agree, right down to Kasich.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jpholding View Post
        The crop of candidates this year was abysmal no matter what party it was and no matter how you slice it. Had I my druthers Kasich would have been the one selected from this crop as best of the worst. I find Trump and Cruz to be equally abominable, though for different reasons.

        It's because we've put our hope in politics that we've ended up with such abominable choices. The GOP apparently thinks that they can take the evangelical vote for granted, and they're right.
        People put their hope in other fallible humans? That doesn't make sense. Put your hope in Jesus. He is infallible! Course, it would be nice if all the world leaders recognized Him as the King of kings and behaved accordingly.
        If it weren't for the Resurrection of Jesus, we'd all be in DEEP TROUBLE!


        • #5
          Vote for Hillary. At least she isn't a fascist.


          • #6
            Vote for Donald Duck. At least he's fun to watch when he loses his temper.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jpholding View Post
              Vote for Donald Duck. At least he's fun to watch when he loses his temper.
              Protest vote FTW!
              If it weren't for the Resurrection of Jesus, we'd all be in DEEP TROUBLE!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                I completely agree, right down to Kasich.
                Same here.


                • #9
                  Just in case any conservative Christians think that Trump is closer to your values than Hillary, think again. Trump is an opportunist. He has no moral core. His positions will change depending on what best suits his goal: feeding his narcissistic ego. Right now he is saying he is anti-abortion. It is only a ploy to get the evangelical vote. He could care less about abortion.

                  A vote for Trump is a vote for the unknown. A vote for Hillary is a vote for a political moderate. You at least know where she stands.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gary View Post
                    Just in case any conservative Christians think that Trump is closer to your values than Hillary, think again. Trump is an opportunist. He has no moral core. His positions will change depending on what best suits his goal: feeding his narcissistic ego. Right now he is saying he is anti-abortion. It is only a ploy to get the evangelical vote. He could care less about abortion.

                    A vote for Trump is a vote for the unknown. A vote for Hillary is a vote for a political moderate. You at least know where she stands.
                    At least we agree that Trump is a creepy slimeball!
                    If it weren't for the Resurrection of Jesus, we'd all be in DEEP TROUBLE!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Christianbookworm View Post
                      Protest vote FTW!
                      Or don't vote. As Goldman put it, "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal".


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gary View Post
                        Just in case any conservative Christians think that Trump is closer to your values than Hillary, think again. Trump is an opportunist. He has no moral core. His positions will change depending on what best suits his goal: feeding his narcissistic ego. Right now he is saying he is anti-abortion. It is only a ploy to get the evangelical vote. He could care less about abortion.

                        A vote for Trump is a vote for the unknown. A vote for Hillary is a vote for a political moderate. You at least know where she stands.
                        we sure do. She is a known crook and a liar. Trump might be also, but so far it is only potentially.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                          we sure do. She is a known crook and a liar. Trump might be also, but so far it is only potentially.
                          Liar yes, crook, no.

                          All politicians lie.

                          Trump just insinuated that Ted Cruz's father was associated with the Kennedy assassination. He is a master of spreading lies and half truths to smear people. He makes Bill and Hillary look like little angels.

                          If Trump gets into the White House, expect him to unleash his vindictive, thin-skinned vendetta-style behavior on everyone he considers an enemy. And he'll have the IRS auditing and hounding every person who dares speak out against him. It will be a dark day in America.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Gary View Post
                            Liar yes, crook, no.
                            Tell that to the FBI. She is a known crook. Just not a convicted one yet.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                              Tell that to the FBI. She is a known crook. Just not a convicted one yet.
                              Both Hilary and Donald are unlikable(understatement) people unsuitable to be president.
                              If it weren't for the Resurrection of Jesus, we'd all be in DEEP TROUBLE!


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