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The Knock At Your Door

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  • The Knock At Your Door

    Someone's knocking at your door.

    The link can be found here.

    The text is as follows:

    What do you do when the other side comes knocking at your door?

    Wednesday as my wife and I were heading out, we saw some women standing near our car. Now I'm not normally an outgoing type, but I push myself at times and I did this time because I could recognize by the way they were dressed and that they were carrying books that they were Jehovah's Witnesses. I asked them about their books so they could confirm my suspicions. They told me that they were Bible Students and waiting for some others. Bible Students is often another way of saying Jehovah's Witnesses so I had my findings confirmed. I invited them to stop by.

    This morning, they did just that.

    This is also why you study your Bible and why the church needs to have people studying their Bibles. If these people knock on your door and you are not prepared, they will turn you inside out. These people know several several verses that you probably do not know. These are verses that are not taught in your average church service.

    When was the last time you heard a sermon in church on the Kingdom of God? Yeah. That's what I thought. That's especially sad since this was one of the greatest emphases of the historical Jesus. When was the last time you heard a message about the Trinity? How about the nature of the resurrection?

    Well guess what. Jehovah's Witnesses have a lot to say about all of those and if all you have is what you usually hear in churches on Sunday, unless your church is the rare exception, you are not prepared. Think you've got those pet verses you like to use to show the Trinity? Well guess what. Jehovah's Witnesses have an answer to those. Now I think the answer is wrong and is based on poor hermeneutics, but it is still an answer and if you don't have a reply ready for them, it will not go well for you.

    And you know what? You can't get that answer right when they knock on your door. You have to have it ready then.

    I had my answer ready then. Many passages they brought out such as Psalms 37 with the meek inheriting the Earth and such, I agreed with. When they asked about miracles and that we don't have them going on, I was ready to point them to Craig Keener. My favorite was to talk about the Kingdom of God that Jesus taught and tie it in to Matthew 24 with my understanding of orthodox Preterism. They didn't really care for that and it was quite a problem for them.

    Now you might think some of my responses are wrong, but I want to point something out. These people are going around doing evangelism, like we're supposed to be doing. These people are studying in their evangelism, like we should be doing. These people are confronting those who disagree with them, like we should be doing. These people are being more serious about a false gospel than we are often being about the true gospel and you know who they want to reach? You and your family and your neighbors.

    Some of you might want to study when they show up, but that's like preparing for combat when the enemy shows up at your house. You have to be ready then. You have to be prepared at all times. If you are not being prepared, start. If you do not have a well-grounded theology that can handle the objections that are presented, start.

    One point I did stress is that I read books that disagree with me. They wanted to avoid saying that they did this and just pay some lip service to the idea. This is a great weakness of Jehovah's Witnesses. They are very selective in what they're allowed to read. Don't be like that. Read what you can. That's just good humility.

    Jehovah's Witnesses and others should be a lesson to us all. We need to prepare. Imagine how the church would be if we were as true to the true Gospel as Jehovah's Witnesses are to a false one.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

  • #2

    That was a great opportunity.

    Witnessing to JWs is interesting. The men are generally hard headed. And the women are generally thoughtful. Two key essentials which the JWs deny are the full deity of Christ [and the Trinity explanation of the Godhead]. And the physical bodily resurrection.

    Regarding the deity of Christ, I might pose a question around John 14:6. Where effectively Jesus is our sole access to Jehovah.

    Regarding Jesus' bodily resurrection, I might pose a question or comment around 1 Timothy 2:5, where Jesus as sole mediator is referred to as a man.

    I would only pose one question or one comment for discussion. Not to win an argument but rather to challenge what they have been taught. Get them to think about the issue.

    I'm sure there maybe better approaches for each case.

    Thanks Nick.
    . . . the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; . . . -- Romans 1:16 KJV

    . . . that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: . . . -- 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV

    Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: . . . -- 1 John 5:1 KJV


    • #3
      It was a good opportunity. I frankly just let them come in and start where they start and try to get whatever I can to go wherever I can. I guess they just didn't like disagreement this time. Normally they last more than one visit.


      • #4
        I agree that hitting them with the typical Trinitarian proof texts doesn't phase them much because they have already been indoctrinated against them. I haven't talked to JW's in person in several years, but I have online. and in person in the past. If they do come to your door and you are not prepared, just tell them you can't talk to them right now but you can at xxx date. Then study.

        I generally like to go through the various OT texts showing the unique attributes of Jehovah, then in the NT, show those same attributes for Jesus. Like in Isaiah where God says he created everything alone, by himself. Then show in the NT where Jesus is the creator. If Jehovah did it alone, how is Jesus the creator? They will try to say that Jehovah created through Jesus and that Jesus was Jehovah's first creation. Yet then that makes Jehovah a liar because he said he created everything alone, by himself. Then I just leave it alone for them to consider.


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