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Comment Thread for The Resurrection of Jesus - Apologiaphoenix vs Gary

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  • Anti-intellectual people avoid books.

    Just like Gary.


    • Originally posted by Apologiaphoenix View Post
      Anti-intellectual people avoid books.

      Just like Gary.
      No, educated people do not read fairy tales and ghost stories as if they are reality.


      • Originally posted by Christianbookworm View Post
        Sure, believe every dumb thing on the internet. Opinions are facts!


        • Originally posted by Gary View Post
          The "Church" is in its death throes in educated, western civilization. The strategy of skeptics like myself is to ignore your pompous "scholars" and go for the jugular: attack the silliness of your supernatural superstitions.

          So sad for you that the time for that to work was BEFORE skeptic scientists started appealing to supernatural ideas themselves. the whole "supernatural superstition"argument is itself in its death throes. Your idea of jugular is more like a small vein in a finger. Look how easy it was to have you running on the issue of the supernatural appeals scientists now make? You could do nothing but handwave and claim to the effect "derr errr well we don't know we are working on it" . That party is now over. We can defeat that without breaking a sweat. The moment scientists started talking about multiverses and universes popping out of nothing miracles and resurrections even Virgin births become no big deal and the public will slowly catch on

          Whats more spectacular? a woman possessing already half of what is needed to create a human being having the other half supplied

          Everything coming out of absolutely nothing as many of your new atheists are getting behind?

          LOL....pretty obvious. You can't win that argument. The church usually takes awhile to adjust to the new claims but once these whammies start getting well known the supernatural argument is toast. I know because youare like the thrid or forth skeptic I have challenged on that issue of supernatural and none of you can come up with anything to rebut it. You pretty much all run away welping.

          Skeptics like to point to the increase in nones but they are not converting all over to naturalism and atheism or those numbers would not be as flat as they are . Meanwhile they forget theres a whole big world out there and they are losing MIGHTILy in some fo the largest nations in the world

          Sorry. We took your best shot and you couldn't hit double digits. Now that naturalist are appealing to supernatural ideas you have well prayer.

          Superstitions are silly. Superstitions are not real. Brain-dead bodies do not walk out of the graves and fly off into outer space.
          Go for it. You are gaining no ground here and you provide a service of bringing in all the weakest arguments online that we can knock over. Thanks!! Now what we should concentrate on more in this thread is using it to our advantage. Never look a gift horse in the mouth


          • Originally posted by Christianbookworm View Post
            Sure, believe every dumb thing on the internet. Opinions are facts!


            • Originally posted by psstein View Post
              Drink! The same thing was said in the 1960s.

              There are more religious believers now than ever before.

              Its really quite incredible. they have had the school systems FOR DECADES and in almost every poll atheists just cannot crack into double digits.


              • Originally posted by Mikeenders View Post
                Its really quite incredible. they have had the school systems FOR DECADES and in almost every poll atheists just cannot crack into double digits.
                Who gives a rat's ass about atheists. Its "non-religious", "secularist", "non-theist", that are the new labels for people who believe your superstitious belief system is a load of silly bull...crap.

                You are so 80's, Mikey.


                • Originally posted by Christianbookworm View Post
                  Sure, believe every dumb thing on the internet. Opinions are facts!


                  • Originally posted by Mikeenders View Post
                    Its really quite incredible. they have had the school systems FOR DECADES and in almost every poll atheists just cannot crack into double digits.
                    However, it remains that opponents of Christianity will gain ground while the churches continue to promote precepts that quite clearly are erroneous. The biggest factor in such strength as atheist groups have is simply the Churches' failure to properly address real problems. 80% demonstrable failure by atheist argument is still a 20% success rate. And while churches deny the existence of that 20%, they do the detractors' work for them.
                    1Cor 15:34 Come to your senses as you ought and stop sinning; for I say to your shame, there are some who know not God.
                    Scripture before Tradition:
                    but that won't prevent others from
                    taking it upon themselves to deprive you
                    of the right to call yourself Christian.



                    • Originally posted by Christianbookworm View Post
                      Sure, believe every dumb thing on the internet. Opinions are facts!
                      Proof that it is actually CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS who are anti-intellectual. Listen to this conservative Christian's call to anti-intellectualism:

                      How the Internet Destroys Community

                      We think we're connected, but we've never been more isolated from others or more emotionally out of touch with reality.

                      America is in a deep spiritual crisis, like never before. The threat really isn't terrorism. It's something a lot more devastating--the spread of technology and the Internet.

                      Internet access is common in high schools and is being introduced to younger children. It's even mandatory in some states, such as Pennsylvania, where the governor has recently said that every high school in the state must have affordable high-speed Internet service within the next 18 months.

                      This has one aim: to raise a generation of children and young people who are spiritually dull, who live according to logic, who do to not ponder about God's greatness and mystery, and who forget about God.

                      We are raising a nation capable of any and every atrocity in the end, without raising an eyebrow, because we are spiritually dull. God gave every human being a conscience, which is far superior to the intellect. If the conscience is silenced in us, we are doomed.

                      Technology is our Achilles heel, which in the end will be worse than any weapon of mass destruction. It will destroy us from within. This frightening trend can only be reversed if more and more citizens listen to their consciences and say, "Enough is enough." Technology puts the "I" in the center and ignores the fact that life is only worth living if "I" depend on my neighbor.




                        I won't bother to look at it ... but it seems that Gary has found his religious other half.
                        1Cor 15:34 Come to your senses as you ought and stop sinning; for I say to your shame, there are some who know not God.
                        Scripture before Tradition:
                        but that won't prevent others from
                        taking it upon themselves to deprive you
                        of the right to call yourself Christian.



                        • The internet is killing all forms of Christianity, including one of the newest version of that superstitious, ancient tall tale, Mormonism:


                          • Originally posted by tabibito View Post
                            However, it remains that opponents of Christianity will gain ground while the churches continue to promote precepts that quite clearly are erroneous. The biggest factor in such strength as atheist groups have is simply the Churches' failure to properly address real problems. 80% demonstrable failure by atheist argument is still a 20% success rate. And while churches deny the existence of that 20%, they do the detractors' work for them.
                            Which Christian denomination do you belong to, Tabby? Are you Mormon?


                            • Originally posted by Christianbookworm View Post
                              Sure, believe every dumb thing on the internet. Opinions are facts!

                              When you are in the minority you have to hold on to every sign of hope. Its true that mainline protestants are in decline but they try and spin that as atheism when in fact even the latest polls indicate the asses are not running to a purely naturalistic worldview


                              In the last seven years agnostics have picked up less than 2% and atheists less than them

                              This rapid decline in theism Poor Gary is conning himself into believing is mythical. People are attending and identifying with brick and mortar churches less but thats the part of the internet connection skeptics are not getting - its not all about their skeptic crusade its about the social changes of being connected without having to meet.


                              • Originally posted by Mikeenders View Post
                                When you are in the minority you have to hold on to every sign of hope. Its true that mainline protestants are in decline but they try and spin that as atheism when in fact even the latest polls indicate the asses are not running to a purely naturalistic worldview


                                In the last seven years agnostics have picked up less than 2% and atheists less than them

                                This rapid decline in theism Poor Gary is conning himself into believing is mythical. People are attending and identifying with brick and mortar churches less but thats the part of the internet connection skeptics are not getting - its not all about their skeptic crusade its about the social changes of being connected without having to meet.
                                This Jewish rabbi superbly dismantles Christian claims that Jesus fulfilled even one single messianic prophecy:

                                Last edited by Gary; 09-24-2015, 01:21 PM.


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