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Evangelicals full of fear

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  • Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
    Every post you've made to me has been derogatory since you returned to civics.
    What's 'derogatory' about telling you to have a wonderful day, Jim?
    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


    • Originally posted by seanD View Post
      You're comparing apples to oranges. The forum is a place to express ideas and views, nothing more, and we have a finite amount of time to do it. We don't get to do that in the REAL world as often and as extensive as we do here. Sometimes various opinions will get heated. Get over it.
      Not talking about heated arguments. I'm talking about expressing total disdain for whole groups of people. I'm talking about lauding ideas that ignore the suffering of others in order to provide ones self with yet more wealth, or yet more comfort. I'm talking about complete and utter ignorance of basic facts an knowledge.
      My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

      If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

      This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


      • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
        What's 'derogatory' about telling you to have a wonderful day, Jim?
        Have a good day CP
        My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

        If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

        This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


        • Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
          Have a good day CP
          I'll admit it, I laughed.


          • Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
            Have a good day CP
            Yeah, and you have fun playing your drama games, Jim....

            Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
            ...And before you go on a rampage against me personally....
            No rampage -- I actually feel sorry for you, because I think you're nuttier than a loon. No rampage, Jim - just my personal assessment based on your recent conduct here.

            Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
            Every post you've made to me has been derogatory since you returned to civics. So don't pretend to be outraged...
            Outraged? Pretend?

            Get well, Jim.
            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


            • Originally posted by Terraceth View Post
              I'll admit it, I laughed.
              We had an older lady in our church - she was about 90, but SHARP as a tack, and lots of fun.
              One day she had been visiting the church office, she dropped off her tithe, and was checking to see what she could bake for an upcoming church social.
              When she was ready to leave, I walked her to the door, opened it for her, and as she stepped out onto the porch, I said, "Have a good day, Ms Smith".
              She SPUN AROUND with a very ANGRY look, stuck her bony finger in my face, and spurted "Young man, DON'T you tell me what kind of day to have!"

              I was stunned, didn't know what to say... then she started laughing and said "you kids are SO easy!!!"
              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


              • Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
                On the other hand, why would Christian persons find a need to express ideas in ways that are mean and cruel? And even more to the point, why would they dig in and try to justify it when called on it?

                And before you go on a rampage against me personally, I'm calling out my own violations as well as others. I am NOT saying I haven't done the same thing.

                So I ask the question of ALL: Why do WE who name the name of Christ find it necessary to be rude, nasty, cruel, demeaning, etc when we are expressing what we believe to be true in these conversations?
                "The man from the yacht thought he was the first to find England; I thought I was the first to find Europe. I did try to found a heresy of my own; and when I had put the last touches to it, I discovered that it was orthodoxy."
                GK Chesterton; Orthodoxy


                • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                  I asked a question because it doesn't appear he is an Evangelical -- capital E.

                  That's an incredibly dishonest rendition of my actual quote which was...

                  However, he probably won't even try to defend his goofy assertion that Fea is an Evangelical.

                  And, yet again, the manure spreader malfunctioned and threw the whole load all at once!
                  It was not any rendition, it was a question which pointed out the absurdity of asking for the credentials of John Fea. Just how can one demonstrate that anyone is an evangelical? It cannot be done, you and others always chime in with an objection.

                  Why are you fixated on the capital E? The ambiguities of the English language come into play here, a religious group is typically capitalized, a descriptive of religious groups is not. Evangelical is both: Some point to definitions like a Bebbington square.

                  Was MLK a Bible Christian or not? Could a black progressive Baptist preacher write Letter from a Birmingham Jail without resorting to plagiarism? Did MLK plagiarize his famous Letter? Are progressive Christians really saved? Does the Holy Spirit work among messengers at the annual conventions?


                  • Originally posted by simplicio View Post
                    It was not any rendition, it was a question which pointed out the absurdity of asking for the credentials of John Fea. Just how can one demonstrate that anyone is an evangelical? It cannot be done, you and others always chime in with an objection.
                    Then why identify him as an Evangelical? What purpose does that serve?

                    Why are you fixated on the capital E?
                    Fixated? In your little world, trying to point out the difference between an Evangelical and an evangelical is "fixation"?

                    The ambiguities of the English language come into play here, a religious group is typically capitalized, a descriptive of religious groups is not. Evangelical is both: Some point to definitions like a Bebbington square.
                    You'd say the same thing about Orthodox and orthodox -- it demonstrates your profound ignorance of things religious.

                    Was MLK a Bible Christian or not? Could a black progressive Baptist preacher write Letter from a Birmingham Jail without resorting to plagiarism? Did MLK plagiarize his famous Letter? Are progressive Christians really saved? Does the Holy Spirit work among messengers at the annual conventions?
                    This is cute - and I think you have me mixed up with another Evangelical. I am VERY unlikely to proclaim ANYBODY "not a Christian", and I have no reason to think that MKL was NOT a Christian. Perhaps if you were to dial back your anti-Christian bigotry just a tad, you could go back and look and see where I ever claimed that MLK was NOT a Christian.

                    Why are you so angry?
                    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                    • What is the significant difference between the capital E and lower case e? Asking for a friend.


                      • Originally posted by EvoUK View Post
                        What is the significant difference between the capital E and lower case e? Asking for a friend.
                        Quora handles that pretty well here.

                        Pretty much, when you capitalize it, you're referring to the "right wing" evangelicals.
                        The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                        • Originally posted by EvoUK View Post
                          What is the significant difference between the capital E and lower case e? Asking for a friend.
                          On distinguished Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics at Acadia University and Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia, William H. Brackney, describes it like this:

                          It from the article called: Are You Evangelical? Or Just evangelical?

                          However, there are other usages of "Evangelical". Matthew W. Kingsbury wrote:

                          Alert readers may have noticed the unusual capitalization of "Evangelical" and "Evangelicalism" in a couple of the articles. The stylebooks frown on this, because Evangelicalism is a movement and not an official body, but we do it to give Evangelicalism a kind of typographic equality with Catholicism and Orthodoxy. http://presbyteriancurmudgeon.blogsp...elicalism.html
                          Turning to Merriam-Webster we see this:

                          4 a capitalized : of or relating to the Evangelical Church in Germany
                          b often capitalized : of, adhering to, or marked by fundamentalism : FUNDAMENTALIST
                          c often capitalized : LOW CHURCH
                          At First Things they write:

                          So you can tell your friend that the answer will, to some extent, depend on who you are asking.
                          Last edited by Charles; 04-08-2020, 03:21 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Charles View Post
                            So you can tell your friend that the answer will, to some extent, depend on who you are asking.
                            It was my joy to educate you on the fact that there's actually a difference.

                            You're welcome.
                            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                            • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                              It was my joy to educate you on the fact that there's actually a difference.

                              You're welcome.
                              It was my joy to educate you on the fact that the difference is actually not necessarily the one you suggested and that the use of capital "E" or not is certainly not as simple as you presented it in your answer based on quora.

                              You're welcome.
                              Last edited by Charles; 04-08-2020, 03:57 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Charles View Post
                                It was my joy to educate you on the fact that the difference is actually not necessarily the one you suggested and that the use of capital "E" or not is certainly not as simple as you presented it in your answer based on quora.
                                Regardless, there IS a difference, and the guy in your OP is NOT an Evangelical by ANY of those definitions.
                                Originally posted by Charles View Post
                                Messiah College historian John Fea, himself an Evangelical,...

                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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