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Sanctum 2 On Sale.

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  • Sanctum 2 On Sale.

    Sanctum 2, a fps tower defense game. Is on sale in the Steam store. Right now the only person I know that plays it is Chrs. Anyone else out there like this kind of game? Oh, they have free weekend for it too, so you can try before you buy.

  • #2
    I hate first person shooter games.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sparko View Post
      I hate first person shooter games.
      For me it depends. Some I really enjoy, like the Metroid Prime series, and some I don't like very much. Like the first Left 4 Dead. When done right I really like them. Unfortunately that's not often IMO.


      • #4
        I have Sanctum 2 but have barely played it, probably because I'm so busy. I liked the first Sanctum a lot though. I'm a pretty big FPS fan, although I'm not big on the COD series.


        • #5
          Originally posted by GioD View Post
          I have Sanctum 2 but have barely played it, probably because I'm so busy. I liked the first Sanctum a lot though. I'm a pretty big FPS fan, although I'm not big on the COD series.
          Maybe sometime when you are less busy we can get a game going.

          I personally like Sanctum 2 better. There's just so much more you can do. More guns, more turrets, and enemies actually attack you instead of ignoring(well, a few ignore you, but mostly airborne enemies) you. Although, it can be frustrating when a boss comes and just breaks down your walls and turrets. Luckily it's free to repair them the next round.


          • #6
            Defense Grid is still the best all-around Tower Defense game ever made, it's already gotten cop..., I mean reimagined by Koreans and put through Greenlight.

            I recall the first Sanctum game being interesting but the two different genres of tower defense and FPS didn't mesh that well together.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Epoetker View Post
              Defense Grid is still the best all-around Tower Defense game ever made, it's already gotten cop..., I mean reimagined by Koreans and put through Greenlight.

              I recall the first Sanctum game being interesting but the two different genres of tower defense and FPS didn't mesh that well together.
              The second one is better IMO. They did a good job of putting a lot more in, and making things work together a bit better. The perks allow for some really good synergy between the players and towers. The different classes allow for better teamwork, if you know your team ahead of time that is.


              • #8
                I've never played it, but it sounds pretty great. Nowadays League of Legends is the only game I play with any regularity.


                • #9
                  I have a spare copy of it, but I'm waiting on certain people to see if they might want it first. If they don't, I will probably trade it for something later.


                  • #10
                    I gave it a try and it wasn't bad, but I got too busy picking on atheists to play more.
                    "Faith is nothing less than the will to keep one's mind fixed precisely on what reason has discovered to it." - Edward Feser


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Epoetker View Post
                      Defense Grid is still the best all-around Tower Defense game ever made.
                      Defense Grid is well done but mediocre and unimaginative. Certainly nowhere near the BTD series or gemcraft labyrinth. Actually I could name quite a few better done TD games, with the added bonus that they're mostly free.
                      "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

                      There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


                      • #12
                        I mainly like Defense Grid for being well-put together enough to figure out exactly why you failed on a level at which point. And for running the smoothest possible 3d engine that chokes the least and looks the bestest with the mostest things on the screen. Bloons TD doesn't really force you to make smart incremental decisions at every step, and you usually end up on autopilot for most of the game. That and instant upgrades are a crutch:)

                        Then again, I was going for commercial versions that people with monies can buy and encourage. (Kingdom Rush on Steam was very much worth it.)

                        (After playing Labyrinth) Gemcraft has a pretty extensive array of tower customization options that are kind of ruined by the fact that the enemies themselves are completely non-distinctive and dependent on arena power-ups for any dangers they present. Much autopilot, very palette swap.


                        • #13
                          Dungeon Defenders is also pretty good as far as Tower Defense goes. I can't wait until the sequel has open beta.


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