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Deeper Waters is founded on the belief that the Christian community has long been in the shallow end of Christianity while there are treasures of the deep waiting to be discovered. Too many in the shallow end are not prepared when they go out beyond those waters and are quickly devoured by sharks. We wish to aid Christians to equip them to navigate the deeper waters of the ocean of truth and come up with treasure in the end.

We also wish to give special aid to those often neglected, that is, the disabled community. This is especially so since our founders are both on the autism spectrum and have a special desire to reach those on that spectrum. While they are a special emphasis, we seek to help others with any disability realize that God can use them and that they are as the Psalmist says, fearfully and wonderfully made.

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Deeper Waters Podcast 8/29/2015: Rodney Reeves and Randolph Richards

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  • Deeper Waters Podcast 8/29/2015: Rodney Reeves and Randolph Richards

    This week we're going to be talking about Rediscovering Paul.

    The link can be found here.

    The text is as follows:

    What's coming up on the next episode of the Deeper Waters Podcast? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    Paul. Our world would be different without him, and yet there are a variety of opinions about him. Some people see him as the one who got the Gospel right and was the world's greatest missionary. Some people see him as the one who took the wonderful Jesus movement and turned it into something it wasn't. Some see him as a man with a guilt-stricken conscience who wrestled against the pain of what he had done to the church. Some see him as a lunatic who was caught up with having visionary experiences on the level of a mad man. So who exactly was this man that has produced such varying degrees of either admiration or hatred for him?

    Awhile back, I reviewed the book Rediscovering Paul. I conclude it is one of the most thorough books that I have read on Paul and his impact in the world. I am also pleased to state that two of its authors will be on the show this Saturday. One is a returning guest, Dr. Randolph Richards. The other is making his first appearance and that is Dr. Rodney Reeves. So who are they? Let's start with Dr. Reeves first as it will be his first time on the show.

    publicity photo.JPG

    In his own words:

    And moving on to Dr. Richards:

    Richards arms crossed smallest size.jpg

    We'll be talking about this fascinating book and the life of Paul. What kind of world did he live in? What was it like writing his letters? What can we learn from them? What about his relationship with Judaism? What difference does he make today?

    Please be listening to the next episode of the Deeper Waters Podcast and go to the ITunes store and leave a review.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

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