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Do You Think About Sex Too Much?

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  • Do You Think About Sex Too Much?

    Could the problem with addiction be the opposite of what you think?

    The link can be found here.


    If you're addicted to sex, is it because you think about it too much? Let's plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

    Years ago I was browsing on Facebook and I saw a friend post something saying that the problem in our world today is that people think about sex too much. I told him he has it backward. We don't think about sex too much in our society. We think about it too little.

    "What?! Are you crazy? Do you know how many people, especially men, seem to have sex on the brain constantly?"

    Yes, but that doesn't equal thinking about it. Having thoughts about sex is not the same as really truly thinking about sex. We dream about it, fantasize about it, talk about it, and just outright "do it", but we don't really stop and think about it.*

    Something I have said along these lines has really impacted men who I meet who struggle with true sexual addiction. I have told them that the problem is not that they love sex too much. They love it too little. It sticks with them apparently. If they loved it so much, why would they treat it so cheaply?

    For many men, sex is a quick fix. There are many men who just want a physical release. The physical release is important, but there's more to it than that. However, if all you want is a physical release, well this is why porn is something so many men can settle on it. You watch a naked girl doing things and you manage to give yourself that physical release.*

    Of course, in doing porn a man is lying to himself. He's treating himself like a real man while not actually going out and impressing the woman and being a real man to her and winning her total trust. He's also teaching himself a view about women. This is what women are good for. Women are good for what they do with men with their bodies. But if you think that, it's not the woman that matters. It's her body that matters. She is irrelevant.

    If you're married, you're also lying to your wife. Sexual intercourse is a way of pointing to the complete and total trust you have with your wife in an exclusive union. You cannot do that and watch porn at the same time and be telling the truth. You are telling your wife at that point that she is one among many. Even if you want to say she is your favorite, she is not the only.*

    Now for you women briefly, this article is mainly for men with addiction, though if you have that you can get the counterparts for yourself, normally I think it's wise to not withhold sexual intimacy in a marriage. After all, in 1 Cor. 7, Paul says that your bodies belong to each other and do not withhold except for by mutual consent and even then for a short time. I think this could be a valid exception though because your husband is having an affair essentially and you need to let him know that you are not going to be treated like one among many. You need to be his one and only. He will have to choose.*

    But on the other hand, if your man is working on this, please be supportive of him. Please be with him in the process and try to realize that deep down, he does want to honor you. It will be hurtful and painful, but you need to do this as a couple realizing a victory for one of you is a victory for both of you. Don't be ashamed to also go to a licensed professional counselor.*

    Getting back to you men, maybe you really need to think about sex. Don't just think about doing it or the experience. Really think about it. What is it? Keep in mind if you're a Christian, you know that this is the creation of God. It's all God's idea. From the very beginning, He planned this out.

    Go look at Scripture also. Many times, the love of God and the love of Christ is compared to marriage. Why? What is that all about? Could that have any connection to sexuality? After all, sex isn't just an accidental add-on to marriage is it? It's not an afterthought is it? Male and female were from the very beginning. Marriage is right there at the start of the Bible and it's also at the end with the wedding supper of the Lamb.*

    So what is it? Why did God make it this way? Why did He make a woman's body so beautiful? Why do you find her body so beautiful? What is it about the exclusive union that is so unique? What makes it wrong to have sex with someone you're not married to?

    Go to your Christian bookstore and try to find some good Christian books on the topic. If you have to, go to Amazon, since sadly many Christian bookstores are just awful today. Go get the answers.

    Stop treating sex like something cheap and common by pornography and other such things. Treat it as the sacred gift of God. If you are married, why on Earth would you really want to look at another woman besides your wife? Oh, I understand the temptation entirely, and the temptation is no sin, but why pursue that? You're not going to have sex with these women and even if that was a possibility, would it be worth it to wind up living a greater lie to your wife and devastating her if she found out, and if you have children making it far worse for them?*

    And if you do have children, consider that. Do you want your son to grow up and be like you? You are the first example to him of what a man is supposed to be like. Do you have a daughter instead? You are the first example of what she should look for in a man she could marry someday. Do you want her to marry a man like you?

    Really. Is any of this worth it for some time of fun? Are you going to look at any joy in your life and say "That joy is worth inflicting needless pain on the people I love the most in my life." I hope you would never say that with your words, but your actions are saying it if you are engaging in pornography.

    Keep in mind also, your desire is not wrong. There is nothing wrong with the desire for sex or the desire to see the naked female body. God built you with these desires. It's how you treat them that's the problem. Are you going to respect the creation of God and thus God Himself or are you going to dishonor them and thus dishonor God Himself?

    If this is you with this struggle, please reach out and get help. You are worth it. Your family is worth it. Your commitment to Christ is worth it.

    In Christ,
    Nick Peters

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