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Police Stories

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  • Police Stories

    I think, before the crash, I had a number of Police Stories posted, but I can't find them now.

    So, this is an area where those of us who have been (or are) law enforcement can share stories or just shoot the breeze.

    There actually was a show years ago called "Police Story". It didn't run long.

    There is one particular episode I really wish I could find.

    This one police officer wanted more than anything to be a SWAT officer.
    He trained, studied, politicked... constantly trying to get on SWAT.
    Then he wanted to be the sniper.
    Again, practiced, trained, begged.... and he finally got to be the team's sniper.

    Hostage situation happens, and he's on the roof with his sniper rifle at the ready, and his spotter beside him whispering range, wind, things like that...

    The negotiations go sour, and he's finally given the green light to take the shot.
    He does it with perfection.... steady, slowly squeezing the trigger between heartbeats, and POW.

    Clean headshot, the subject is down, the hostage free, and everybody is safe.

    His spotter pats him in the back and tells him GREAT JOB!!!!

    But the sniper doesn't move. He's frozen. He is overcome with what he has just done.

    The spotter again tries to get his attention, but the sniper doesn't move, and the spotter has to pry his fingers off the forearm of his weapon, and remove the weapon from the sniper's hands.

    It was a very powerful episode showing the REAL side police work. And the fact that the taking of a human life isn't such an easy thing to do, even when justified.
    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.

  • #2
    One of my favorites...

    I was working the 8PM to 4AM shift, and had just gone on duty.
    Checked out my patrol car, riot equipment, shotgun, and headed to the main drag to do an initial sweep from the East end of the city to the West end.

    As I approached the West city limit, I pulled into the last street on the right - Mission Avenue - intending to turn around and head back out on the main drag.
    About two driveways up that Avenue, I pulled into a driveway to back out and turn around to get back on the main drag.
    As I pull into the driveway, Dispatch calls "All 700 cars - burglary in progress, 108 Mission Avenue".
    I look up, that's the house I'm at!!!

    I radio dispatch I'll be out of the car, and as I'm walking up to the front door, a frantic lady yells "he's climbing in the back kitchen window!"
    I run around the back of the house, his butt and legs are sticking out of the window, so I grab his belt and yank him out, spilling him onto the patio.

    I radio dispatch that the subject is in custody, and will be returning to station with him.

    The little boy who lives at that house, about 10 years old, yelled, "WOW, this is just like ADAM-12!!!!" (a popular Police TV show at the time)

    Radio log read something like...

    20:15 - Burglary in progress - 108 Mission Avenue
    20:15 - 711 responding and on scene
    20:16 - Subject in custody, 711 10-8

    Now, if we could do that every time, our "response time" would look really really GREAT!!!
    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


    • #3
      About Midnight-thirty, an old pickup truck was driving down the road about 22 mph in a 55 mph zone, and weaving left and right as it went.
      Followed for a few minutes, and saw him swerve into the oncoming lane, so I popped the lights to pull him over.
      It took a couple siren blasts and the spotlight across his rear window before he apparently realized I was behind him.

      He was a nice old guy, but obviously quite drunk.
      He had another guy with him who was also drunk, but that guy was not under arrest.
      While waiting for the tow truck to arrive to collect the vehicle, I asked the passenger if there was anybody who could come get him as he was not under arrest.
      His only response was that the driver (who was under arrest) was his only ride.
      Let's call them Fred and Barny. Fred is the driver, Barny the passenger.

      I had another unit take Barny to the station til we could figure out what to do with him, and I took Fred.

      Everything was going fine - jailer was about to fingerprint Fred, and Barny sat down on a chair by the coffeemaker and fell dead asleep.

      As the jailer was getting ready to fingerprint Fred, Fred suddenly became quite agitated, and tried to escape, but I was blocking the door.
      He ran around the room amazingly fast for somebody who was cold stone drunk (I guess he was sobering up)
      The dispatcher, myself, and two other officers were trying to settle Fred down, but he was really excited.
      Barny was still sound asleep.

      Suddenly, Fred climbs on top of the desk, and starts what sounded like a patriotic speech about his freedom, his liberty... "I'll have your badge for this"....
      The desk was in the corner, we were worn out, so we just let him stand there "preaching".
      Then Barny wakes up, puts an imaginary flute to the side of his face, and begins "playing" Yankee Doodle as Fred drones on.
      For some reason, it really caught us as funny, and we're laughing as Barny plays the flute and Fred speechifies.

      At one point, Barny stopped playing the imaginary flute, and called out "Tell them the part about you and the mayor being buddies, Fred!"
      It just got funnier and funnier, til Fred finally got worn out and stopped preaching.

      The jailer looked up at him and asked, "are ya all done now?"
      Fred nodded, and said, "yeah, I'm done, can somebody help me down from here?"

      Barny went back to sleep, Fred was fingerprinted and jailed, and we laughed the rest of the night.
      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


      • #4
        I am waiting patiently for a copy of your book!

        Securely anchored to the Rock amid every storm of trial, testing or tribulation.


        • #5
          I'm remembering a story you told about a bar that got locked down from anyone exiting, and here come a biker swinging a chain, and...
          "What I pray of you is, to keep your eye upon Him, for that is everything. Do you say, 'How am I to keep my eye on Him?' I reply, keep your eye off everything else, and you will soon see Him. All depends on the eye of faith being kept on Him. How simple it is!" (J.B. Stoney)


          • #6
            Originally posted by lee_merrill View Post
            I'm remembering a story you told about a bar that got locked down from anyone exiting, and here come a biker swinging a chain, and...
            OK. I'm taking requests!!!
            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


            • #7
              As well as I can remember it....

              We got a new "computer" (dumb terminal) at the PD for LEADS (Law Enforcement Agency Data System) and I was a young fella, so I got to oversee installing it.
              The main guts would be in the basement, so when I showed up for my 4pm - Midnight shift, I didn't go to my locker to get my gun-belt, I went downstairs to work on the terminal.

              About 10 PM, dispatch yells downstairs that there's been a shooting at the Tooth and Nail Bar in the next city, and they were calling for mutual aid.
              I ran upstairs, piled into a Police Car with 3 other cops, and we went roaring off to assist.

              When we got there, we all piled out of the car, and there were bunches of people milling around, and LOTS of motorcycles.

              Long story short, somebody got mad at the band, went home and got a 410 shotgun, and just began indiscriminately shooting into a window toward where the band was.

              The Officer in Charge saw me, called for me to come to the main door, and yelled "nobody in, nobody out!" I took up my position at the door ready to do my job.

              Lots of people milling around, lots of confusion, and I had stepped just inside the door (blocking the door open with my body) to let my eyes get used to the dark (bars are dark because men love darkness for their deeds are evil ) when I noticed a bunch of Bandito Gang members at the bar.

              About 6 of the gang members got up from the bar and started heading my direction. I ordered them to go sit back down, but they kept coming. Several of them "flicked their wrists" and chains and knives came out, so I reached down for my trusty .357 magnum Ruger Security Six..... and suddenly remembered it was back at the station in my gun-belt in my locker.

              The thought went through my mind .... "ok, so THIS is how I die".

              Then, all of a sudden, I heard somebody behind me yell my name, and I spun around to see who it was, and saw a 12 gauge Ithica Police Riot gun flying through the air in my direction. I grabbed it, turned back to the bar, racked it one time, and stood my ground.

              The Banditos decided it was time to have another drink, so they went back to the big horseshoe bar and sat down.

              We finished processing the scene, ID'd the people we needed to, and let everybody else go.

              THEN I went on a quest to find out who threw me the shotgun that came from MY Patrol unit ISSUED TO ME.

              Nobody fessed up to throwing it to me, and nobody knows who did.

              Yeah, I got the chills and said a quick THANK YOU JESUS prayer.

              I never found out who threw it to me, and I never again left the station on a call without my .357 magnum.
              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


              • #8
                [WARNING -- a pretty sad one]

                It was a Sunday afternoon. I normally didn't work Sundays, except on Holidays (because I was one of only a few cops who didn't drink).

                Sundays are normally very quiet, and we do a few patrols through the city, but it's a good day to get caught up cleaning up your patrol unit, restocking your equipment, cleaning your weapons, catching up on reports...

                About 4:15PM dispatch yells down the hall where I was typing up a report. He said, "neighbors report a sound like a gunshot in their cul de sac".

                I asked "LIKE a gunshot", or "a GUNSHOT", as I grabbed my gear and headed out to my patrol unit. Dispatcher yelled "it's all quiet now".

                I arrived on scene within a few minutes, and saw a red Chevelle in a driveway with the rear glass shattered. It's not at all unusual in the Texas heat for a windshield to just "explode" when the windows are all rolled up. (Come to think it, I haven't heard of that happening in quite a while - maybe better glass these days?)

                So, I assumed it could just as well be a rear window that exploded, and walked up to the car, hand on my holstered .357 as usual, to see if there was anybody in the car.

                What I saw made me physically ill. (I'll not describe the scene, but suffice it to say that a teenage boy had seated himself behind the wheel of his dad's car, propped a shotgun "butt down" on the floor in front of him, and placed the barrel under his chin.)

                I got the neighbors to step back, and called for the coroner. We (other officers had arrived) maintained perimeter, keeping people away, and allowed the coroner to do his morbid duty.

                When the body was removed, the tow truck was backing up to tow the vehicle, and it was my job as first on the scene to secure both the weapon (had already moved it aside) and anything of value inside the vehicle.

                On the passenger side floorboard was a handwritten note spattered with blood and .... "matter".

                "All I wanted was a friend".

                That's all it said.
                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • #9
                  I had just finished a traffic stop and released the driver. I was still sitting on the side of the road, lights flashing, finishing up a couple notes about 1:30 AM.

                  I looked in my left sideview mirror to make sure no cars were coming so I could pull out into traffic, but there was, indeed, a car coming.

                  Weird, though --- it seemed to be coming rather slowly, not nearly the 60 mph speed limit, and it seemed like it was not "on the road", but IN MY SHOULDER LANE!!!!

                  I checked to make sure all my flashers and takedown lights were on, but the car continued approaching on a collision course with my vehicle.

                  I opened my door and stepped out of my patrol unit just in time for the car to smash hard into the back of my patrol car, knocking it about a full car length forward, and putting me at the driver's window of the car that knocked mine out of place.

                  The driver looked up at me, somewhat surprised, but obviously inebriated, and asked, "How did you get here so fast, officer, this accident just happened!"
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • #10
                    People can be so stupid.

                    I was on the East side of town, mid morning, and got a call that a child had fallen into a swimming pool and was drowning.

                    The address was on the west side of town, and I was closer than the fire station from which the Ambulance would be dispatched, so I headed that way Code 3.

                    A woman was pulling into an intersection from my left, apparently not seeing my vehicle approaching - apparently not seeing my flashing lights or hearing my siren.
                    She stopped SLAPDAB in the middle of the intersection, and didn't move. I was flying along about 95 mph, and brakes do not work so good at that speed (at least in those days).

                    I couldn't stop in time, so I swerved to my right, knowing I would end up in a large gravel parking lot where a boat ramp led down to a lake.
                    I was slowing, but as I hit the gravel, my unit spun around and around, and I knew I was going to hit at least a few cars in that gravel lot.

                    When my vehicle finally came to a rest, and the smoke cleared enough for me to see, my vehicle was headed straight for the main road, and in the direction I wanted to go, so I "hit it", and continued my Code 3 to the address.

                    When I got there people in front were screaming and pointing to a back yard, and as I ran to the back yard, there were a couple other adults standing next to the above-ground pool where there was a 3 year old child laying face down on the bottom of the pool. I was absolutely dumbfounded that nobody had jumped in, so I ripped off my gun-belt, and in full uniform, jumped into the pool to grab the child.

                    It was only 4 feet deep, so I was able to walk back over to the edge where I had to yell at somebody to come get the child so I could get out of the pool.

                    By that time, "the squad" (EMS / Ambulance) was pulling up (I could hear their siren and truck engine) and I put the child on his back on the ground and started CPR/breathing.

                    Almost immediately, the paramedics bumped me aside and took over, and managed to save the child.

                    The adults - an uncle and aunt of the child - had been absolutely blown-away drunk, and allowed the child to get into the pool with a "floatie". Apparently, the child slipped out of the ring, and was not tall enough to stand up, and sunk to the bottom, lifeless.

                    The child fully recovered, we charged the relatives with reckless endangerment of child, and they appropriately ended up on the "deep doodoo list" of the parents of the child.

                    The woman who panicked and stopped dead in the intersection came to the police station and profusely apologized, but said it was the most amazing thing she ever saw seeing my car spin around and around in the gravel, throwing rocks all over the other cars, then zipping back onto the road as if nothing ever happened.

                    The people in the front hard had NO IDEA that the people in the back yard were NOT rescuing the child - they (the people in the front yard) thought they were doing good by staying in front to flag down the police or ambulance. Can't blame a bit, because they had no idea that the people in the back were too drunk to jump in the pool to save their nephew.
                    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                    • #11
                      And STRANGE things happen....

                      Just after 10 PM, the neighbor of a local church called to report somebody was inside the building, but there were no cars around. They could see lights "like candles" moving past the stained glass windows from inside.

                      The standard procedure for something like this is to post one officer or unit at a NW corner of the building, so he can keep an eye on the North and West sides of the building, and another officer or unit at the SW corner, same reason.

                      A third unit when to the other side of the church (opposite the neighbor of the person who called) to the parsonage where the Pastor lived.

                      It's standard to get a "key holder" to open the building to allow us to conduct a search, and he unlocked the doors for us. Two of us began a methodical search of the building - including closets, boiler room, restrooms, hallways, baptistry --- couldn't find anybody. The Pastor suggested he let his son come over because his son and some friends play "hide and seek" in the Church, and they know all the hiding places.

                      Units still standing by outside, we searched again, and this time found candle was on the carpet along the window wall. But nobody inside.

                      We gave up, the Pastor locked the doors, and we left.

                      I had a weird feeling, so I went about 3 blocks away, turned around so I could see the building, turned off my lights, and just stayed there quietly in the dark.

                      Less than an hour later, another call from the neighbor - he's seeing "candles" moving past the windows from the inside.

                      I turned on my lights, swooped in quickly, and discovered 3 other units had the same idea. We all converged on the scene at pretty much the same time, surrounding it.
                      The Pastor was still awake, saw all the lights, and came over to unlock the door again.

                      Long story short - very thorough search --- MORE candle wax on the carpet along the window wall --- but no other sign of anybody inside.
                      We searched the attic, under the baptistry, closets, everywhere we could imagine somebody could hide. Nobody.

                      With the exception of a unit or two getting called away to chase another call, then return, we were there pretty much all night, and withdrew again to hiding places within eyesight of the church, but nothing else happened.

                      Very rarely, there will be a "cop incident" that is so weird or serious or sad that cops don't even joke about it. Often there's the "gallows humor" that can be pretty gross when strange things happen, but this was one incident nobody ever joked about, and seldom ever brought up.

                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • #12
                        The Naughty City Councilwoman

                        We had a "community days" event which is like a county fair in the city, complete with carnival rides, a midway, tents, booths, some circus animals..... These often go til about 2 AM, and the Lutherans sell beer as a fundraiser.

                        We got a call that a woman was acting very lewdly by the lion's cage, and appeared to be quite drunk.

                        When I arrived on the scene, I knew that I knew the woman, but couldn't think where I knew her from.

                        When I approached her, she tried to hug me and kiss me, and called me "sergeant". (I wasn't a sergeant at the time)

                        I asked her if she had been drinking (required to start with that) and she said, "You bet your dumb *** I have, sergeant! And I'm gonna get even drunkerer".

                        I asked her to step over to the side of the tent, out of the way of the crowd, and she laughed and said, "OH, so we can do the dirty, yes?"

                        She tried hugging and kissing me again, and reaching for .... um... my parts.

                        I told her that was lewd conduct and sexual assault, and she was under arrest. She got really mad and started punching me, and cussing, and threating to have me fired, "Because I'm an important CONGRESSMAN and I can get you in a lot of trouble". (she meant councilwoman, and, yeah, now I remembered who she was, and about every other word of what she said was a profanity)

                        Several other officers had arrived by this time to witness what was going on, and she was handcuffed and placed into the back of my patrol unit, with another unit following us to the station, as is protocol, as I'm transporting a female.

                        She continued to cuss and holler and threaten me, so I keyed my microphone and held it back toward her so her threats and profanities could be recorded at the station.

                        Even at the station, she was cussing like a sailor, frequent F words, threatening me, and now it was all on video tape. (HUGE recorder in those days, actual reel-to-reel tape, BIG video camera, and she was now flashing her breasts at us and the camera)

                        She did a night in the slammer, but in the morning was mad as a wet hen, threatening the jailer and demanding that whoever locked her up be fired.

                        Subsequently, she sued me, my partners, the department, the city manager, the safety director, the chief of police, and the jailer.

                        At the preliminary hearing, her attorney present with her, our city attorney present with all of us, the judge ready to hear the pre-trial motions, our city attorney asked, "your honor, before we proceed, could I play just a little bit of video that might put this whole thing in perspective?"

                        The judge already knew what was on the tape, so when the prosecution objected, he said, "now, hold on just a minute, this won't take long, and may save us a whole lot of time down the road".

                        The city attorney reached over and pushed the "play" button, and immediately a half naked city council woman showed up on the screen cussing like a sailor, threatening to have us all fired, demanding that we call the governor, using her middle finger at the camera, bragging that she slept with the city manager...."

                        Her attorney stood up, walked over to the video machine, pushed "stop", and said, "Your honor, can we withdraw our suit and pretend this never happened?"

                        The judge smiled and said, "Oh, it happened, alright, and your client is still facing charges, and you have seen some of the evidence, but, yeah, we can recognize your suit against the city and it's officers withdrawn".

                        The councilwoman resigned her office to "take care of her ailing mother in another state", and was never seen again. (after pleading guilty to public intoxication, which was much less than sexual assault and lewd conduct)
                        The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                        • #13
                          One of our shopping centers has an exit onto the main drag close to the main traffic light in town. The traffic light is just to the left of where you'd come out onto the main drag, so there are numerous "no left turn" signs there - both approaching the main drag, AT the main drag, across the street from the main drag --- and pavement markings showing RIGHT TURN arrows on the blacktop, and "NO LEFT TURN" markings on the pavement in what could be construed as a left turn lane.

                          My partner and I had checked out a false alarm at the drug store, and were just pulling up to make the right turn onto the main drag, waiting for traffic to clear.

                          Next thing we knew, a little orange Chevy Vega pulled up to my left, beside my patrol car, apparently intending to turn left. I glanced around quickly - lots of "NO LEFT TURN" signs, and was just about to hit my horn when she pulled out to turn left, nearly striking a car that was the last in a line of cars that passed us heading "to the right".

                          My partner and I looked at each other like "did we actually SEE that?"

                          I popped the lights, and pulled out after her, following her for about a half mile before she pulled over to the side of the road.

                          I approached the driver side, and my partner approached the passenger side, and I asked the driver for her license, vehicle registration, and insurance. She was a cute young lady, probably 16 or 17, and fumbled quite nervously for the documents I requested. When she handed them to me, I thought, "oh, what a bummer!!!!". She didn't have a driver license - she had a learner's permit, and those are almost NEVER "in the system", and often invalid.

                          I walked back to the patrol unit, radioed in her license plate (10-28) and SSN and DOB. No information on file, but a "possible warrant" for unpaid parking tickets.

                          I walked up to her car again, and asked her to come back to the patrol unit, because we needed to clear some things up.

                          She got all nervous and sobbed, "I can't get out of the car". I asked "WHAT?" She said, "I can't - I can't get out of the car".

                          I looked down to make sure she had legs (I had run into legless drivers before) and she did, but then my partner, standing by the passenger window, called me to come over to his side because the passenger wanted to "have a word with me".

                          I walked around to the passenger window, and the lady said, "we have a situation here --- I'm her mother - this is her VERY FIRST DAY of driving, the parking tickets are mine, and as soon as you turned on your flashers she.. um... she messed her pants. I had noted she was wearing white pants, and her purse was covering her lap.

                          I asked, "as in peed?" (it just blurted out, as I was really taken off guard) She said, "um.. both".

                          My partner, senior to me, took the documents out of my hand, handed them to the mother, and said, "have a nice day, ma'am, and take care of those parking tickets, hear?"

                          We walked back to the patrol car, got in, allowed her to leave the scene, than laughed our butts off.

                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                          • #14
                            Sgt. Joe Qualifies on Shotgun.

                            Monday morning, day shift, normally pretty quiet, nobody in a hurry to get out on the road.

                            We checked bulletins, advisories, finished our coffee, and were just deciding it was time to hit the road.

                            Sgt Joe was a big Hungarian police officer who thought he was the only cop on the planet who really knew police work, and always let you know that.

                            He had already gone out into the sally port - the garage where our units are parked when we bring prisoners in and out. His unit was in that garage, and the door to that garage was just next to the dispatch panel.

                            The usual procedure is that you get your patrol car's clipboard that has your mileage, and a checklist of the condition of the vehicle. You do a walk-around to look for any damage, and make note of it, then get in, check your headlights, taillights, turn signals, overhead beacons, siren... there are mirrors in front and back for you to see your lights. After writing down date/time and mileage, you check "complete" on the log, and can head out.

                            Sgt Joe was obviously running that checklist, as we heard a blast of the siren, and we turned to the dispatcher to tell him "keep it quiet out there".

                            Suddenly there was a loud explosion sound from the sally port! We all exchanged glances like "WHAT WAS THAT!!!!", and rushed into the Sally port, guns drawn, only to see Sgt Joe sitting in the patrol unit, with a big hole in the roof of the car, and a wisp of smoke rising from that hole. We stared in amazement.

                            It took a minute to realize what had happened. The shotguns are mounted to the dashboard, butt down, barrel up, and a button under the driver's seat releases the electronic grip that holds the shotgun in place.

                            Sgt Joe, a clean freak, had seen a speck of dust on the trigger of the shotgun, and simply reached out to wipe it off the trigger. BOOM went the shotgun!!!!

                            For about 3 days, Sgt Joe was yelling "WHAT? WHAT?" ... and hearing ringing in his ears.

                            Somebody put a sign up on the "Range Qualification" board saying "all officers must qualify for shotgun proficiency at the range by end of watch on Friday --- except Sgt Joe who already qualified in the Sally port".

                            (in those days, we had Ithica 12 gauge shotguns that had a bypass lever where you could "rack the shotgun" without actually putting a round in the chamber (for psychological effect). We surmise that somebody thought they had done that, but actually put the shotgun back in the rack with a round in the chamber, ready to fire -- nonetheless, it's the "coming on duty" officer's job to make sure that weapons are "clear", so it's still on Sgt Joe. )

                            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                            • #15
                              Fight at the Hayseed Tavern.

                              Routine patrol, just before midnight, dispatch advises a fight at the Hayseed Tavern - a "hillbilly bar" on the edge of town.

                              I was the closest unit, so I arrived first, but we have a very strict rule that no officer goes into a fight call alone, so I was waiting in the parking lot for backup units.

                              They would be approaching from the south, so I was looking down that road, and could see twinkling lights way off, but they were coming.

                              I looked back at the main entrance to the bar, and all of a sudden, the door flies open, and a HUGE angry drunk guy comes out, looking over the parking lot, and zeroing in on me.

                              My patrol unit was behind me, as I was slowly moving toward the door, awaiting my backup.

                              The HUGE angry drunk guy starts yelling obscenities, then yells at me that he's gonna whoop my sorry ***, and how much he hates cops.
                              He has a cue stick in his hand, and raises it with the club end in the air, and begins running at me full speed.

                              As he nears me, I go into my defensive judo mode, slightly squatting down, raising one arm to block the cue stick, and allowing him to "overrun" me, falling over me as I stand back up and use a "throw" to use his forward momentum have him fall behind me.

                              Apparently, my adrenalin was really pumping, because he went flying up into the air, over the hood of my patrol unit, and crashed onto the pavement on the other side of my car, just as my backup arrived, almost running him over. It knocked the wind out of him, and he just lay there gasping and trying to catch his breath. My partner handcuffed him, and I was suddenly aware that a whole bunch of people had come out of the bar, and were standing there clapping and telling me "GOOD JOB".

                              Apparently, the guy was a big bully and had caused all kinds of trouble in the bar, and they were glad he was in custody.

                              THEN, I find out he is suing me, my partner, the department and the city for police brutality. When he crashed to the pavement, he shattered his left heel and broke his right elbow.

                              At the preliminary hearing, the judge looked at the charges, then looked at Huge Ugly guy, then me, then back and Huge Ugly guy.

                              After a couple minutes of silence, reading the complaint, and eyeing both of us, the Judge looked at Huge ugly and said, "lemme get this straight --- you're, what, 6'4" and 290 lbs, and officer Cow Poke is 5'9" and 155 lbs soaking wet, and you're telling me he beat you up?"

                              Huge ugly looked down, apparently pretty embarrassed, and the Judge said - "Case dismissed --- NEXT?"
                              Last edited by Cow Poke; 10-13-2021, 11:28 PM.
                              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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