A few months ago Anice Parker caused something of an uproar.

After she dismissed 40.000 out of 50.000 votes against her HERO ordinance (equal access to bathrooms for transgenders), various Christian groups moved to sue, and she responded with an overly (ridiculously) broad subpoena where she demanded 'all speeches, presentations, or sermons related to [the equal rights ordinance], the petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity.'

Anice Parker later claimed that she as was unaware of how broad this subpoena was, and responded first by narrowing it to information about whether the pastors had instructed members of the their communities in the ballot process, but finally dropped it after a sufficient amount of pressure.

Apparently she's back though:

"A short time later, the city withdrew subpoenas, but now it has submitted several motions in the case, including one asking the state district court to deprive the pastors of a jury decision, leaving it only to a judge."

I'm trying to find better sources for this, it sounds unbelievable to me. What's people's take on this?