Supreme Court expansion commission warns against increasing number of justices

This is refreshing!!! Now, mind you, it's "According to preliminary draft materials", but...

The commission warned that "rather than calm the controversy surrounding the Supreme Court, expansion could further degrade the confirmation process."

According to preliminary draft materials, the commission formed by President Biden to study Supreme Court expansion urged against increasing the number of justices and warned that it would be seen as a "partisan maneuver."

"There could be significant battles over any Justice added by a Court expansion measure. Indeed, a future Senate could respond to expansion by refusing to confirm any nominee," the commission said in preliminary reports.

Congressional Democrats have urged President Biden to expand the US Supreme court but members of the bipartisan commission "are divided on whether court expansion would be wise."

In April when the commission was formed, the White House said the purpose of the commission "is to provide an analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary public debate for and against Supreme Court reform, including an appraisal of the merits and legality of particular reform proposals."