I was preaching Sunday Morning about yielding to God.

Our Children's Minister, earlier in the service, had used a folding chair as part of her object lesson for the Children's Message (brief time where the children come to the front for a lesson) and the metal folding chair was still there.

As I was wrapping up the sermon, I stepped off the platform to that chair, unfolded it, and sat down, explaining, "it's like when we sit on the throne of our own life", then I got off and knelt before the chair, continuing "but we come to a point where we realize that God needs to sit on the throne of our life, and we need to kneel before Him".

We have "altar call" at the end of our Sunday morning service, so I was standing at the front to receive anybody who wants to respond to the invitation. Sometimes people just want to come and kneel and pray, and sometimes they want to come talk to the Pastor -- I try to be sensitive enough to stay out of their way if they're coming to kneel, or to meet them at the front if they're coming to me. I can usually tell by whether or not they make eye contact with me.

One of our older men stepped into the isle and headed toward the front, eyes down, so I stepped aside, as it appeared he was coming to kneel and pray.

He didn't.

He walked to the chair, and sat in it for just a moment, then he got down on his knees beside the chair, facing it, and was quietly praying. I couldn't hear what he said, but he wasn't talking to me. It was obvious, however, that he was yielding the throne of his life to the Almighty.

It's moments like these that I praise God He allows me to serve Him.